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[Matt's POV]

He pushed us to Cay's parents harshly and Cay's mom clung tightly to Jake while I stood beside Cay's dad. I looked at Damon, he had that look in his eyes as he looked over Casey one more time. "Actually, no, it wouldn't be fair if you got everything back while I only got 10 million dollars. Maybe it'll be fair if I killed your precious butterfly," he said and took his gun out. Shit. He pointed it at her and all I heard were people screaming her name. I started running to her but two big guys tackled me to the ground. I heard him pull the trigger and my heart beast stopped and I shut my eyes, not wanting to see the one I love get shot. It was quiet for a second then someone was groaning in pain but it wasn't sound that I expected. It was deep, guyish groan. "JONAH!" I heard Casey's angelic voice scream. My eyes shot open and I tried to get away from the men but they pinned me to the ground. I turned my head to see Casey's crawling to Jonah with a hand on her stomach. I kicked and punched the guys but they wouldn't budge. The next thing I heard was a bloodcurdling scream. It was the most pain filled scream I have ever heard. I've never even heard anything close to it before. I looked at Casey who was on the ground, screaming for dear life. She looks so pained but I didn't even know why. Was it the poison? When her scream died down after a minute, she was gasping for air and I felt like I needed to help her. I kicked the guys out of the way and they finally let go. I went to her but she was already passed out. No...

[Jonah's POV]

"Actually, no, it wouldn't be fair if you got everything back while I only got 10 million dollars. Maybe it'll be fair if I killed your precious butterfly," my demon of a said and I stopped breathing. Literally. He took his gun out and pointed it at her. I couldn't move. It was like my feet were stuck to the ground. He put his finger to the trigger and everything came back to me. Right before as he pulled it, I pushed Casey out of the way and stood in the exact same place she was standing in before. I didn't even realize what I had done until I fell to the ground and the pain filled me. I groaned and lay on my side, watching the blood drip to the floor. "JONAH!" I heard Casey scream and I wanted to stand up and go to her and hug her but I couldn't move. She crawled over to me and pushed my other shoulder down so I was lying on my back. I groaned and looked at Casey. Her eyes were filled with fear, sadness and pain. "Jonah," she whispered and tried to move her hand to my shoulder, where I got shot, but she started screaming and fell to the ground beside me. Her scream was like a dagger to my heart. It sounded so pained and scared. I knew exactly what was happening, it's the poison. I tried to sit up but another wave of pain flushed through me when I tried. I groaned and fell back to the ground. My eyes started drooping but not in a sleepy way. I fought with it for a while, while listening to Casey gasp and gasp for air. Finally, the darkness took over me.

[Jake's POV]

Shit! Shit! Shit! Ah, shit motherfucker! What the hell?! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! THAT ASS HOLE! SHIT! Noooo!

[Tracey's POV (Casey's mom)]

"...Maybe it'll be fair if I killed your precious butterfly," that bastard said. "NO!" I screamed and dropped to my knees on the floor. "CASEY!" I screamed. He can't kill my one and only daughter, even if I did have another child, he cannot kill her! I could only see the shapes of all the people through the tears in my eyes. I was crying and screaming. I can't think of living a life without my daughter. I heard the gun go off and I screamed again. I shut my eyes and waited for whatever that's coming. It was silent then came the sound of someone groaning and falling to the ground but it wasn't my daughter's voice that I heard, it was a boy's voice. My eyes shot open and I saw Casey on the floor beside a limp body that was groaning in pain. Even though it wasn't my daughter's voice that I heard and my daughter lying on the floor in pain, it still hurt me. I felt my heart break again when I saw the boy. I don't know why but it did.

[John's POV (Casey's Dad)]

I was frozen in place when I watched the boy get shot and fall to the ground. I don't know why I felt like this. It was like the way I felt with Casey. "JONAH!" my daughter screamed. Jonah? Why des that name sound so familiar? Is he who I think he is? No, it can't be...

[Jake and Matt's parents]

What's happening?

Where are they?

Should we call the police?

Are they alright?

Please let all of them be alright, they didn't do anything to deserve this...

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