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[Casey's POV]

I was shaking and my stomach hurt like hell but not like a normal stomach ache. I was confused until I remembered about being stabbed by the devil. My body was freezing but the air was burning hot. I could barely breathe. My breaths were coming out short and raspy. I opened my eyes slowly and it was dark except for the single light bulb in the middle of the room. It didn't light up the whole room but gave enough light for you to see. I groaned and tried to sit up when a hand stopped me. "You'll ruin your bandages, well, makeshift bandages," Matt's velvet voice filled my airs. "Matt," I said, my voice as hoarse as a horse. (Hehehe, I just wrote this for fun :P) "Hi," he said as he cupped my cheek. "Hey, how's it going?" I joked but my voice made it sound like it hurt to speak. He frowned then said, "Are you okay?" I gave him a small smiled then said, "Uh-huh, I'm as fine as a horse." He chuckled and I grinned. I looked around and saw Jake sleeping on the hard ground. The bed I was on was only big enough for one person. Then, I saw Jonah pacing the room. "Jonah," I said and his head shot up. He walked over to me and stood by the bed. "Are you alright?" he asked and I nodded. He just started to pace the room again. I turned to Matt and asked, "What's with him?" He just shrugged. I tried to much myself up of the bed but I was too weak. Matt helped me and I sat between his legs so I could lean on his chest. He rested his chin on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around me. I inhaled his sweet smell and the cold air filled my lungs. I shivered and he noticed it. "You cold?" he asked and I nodded. I looked down at what I was wearing. I was still in my black leather pants but they were kinda torn. I then looked at the shirt I was wearing. It was big for me and reached my mid thigh. It had an unfamiliar smell to it. I raised an eyebrow at Matt and he just pointed at Jonah. I nodded and lifted my shirt. There was a strip of grey cloth that was stained with blood wrapped around the wound. Ugh, the thought of the feeling of the blood in my hand made me sick. I groaned and shut my eyes and waited for the uneasy feeling to go away. Matt rubbed up and down my arm and it made me feel better. After a while, it finally went away and I opened my eyes. "You okay?" Matt asked me and I looked into his deep, brown eyes. They were filled with love, concern and sadness. I nodded and rested my head in the crook of his neck. I kissed his neck and shut my eyes. I must've fallen asleep again since I was awoken by the loud sound of a door slamming. I opened my eyes and saw that Pierce guy standing in front of the closed door. "HE wants to see you now," he said and Jonah nodded. Matt helped me stand up and he put an arm around my waist carefully while I put my arm around his. He helped me walk while Jonah and a sleepy Jake walked in front of us and Pierce in front of them. We walked back to that big room and this time Damon was on a soda, sipping on his drink. When he saw us come in, he put the drink down on a coffee table where he was resting his feet on before and told us to on the ground in front of the coffee table. We didn't really sit down since the men practically threw us down to the ground and luckily I didn't jostle my wound too much. Damon stood up and started pacing in front of us. This guy's bipolar. I shook my head and looked back up at him. This time, he was standing with his signature evil smirk on his face. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small vial that had this black liquid in it. The liquid was almost finished so it meant that he used it. I wonder what it is but whatever it is, it doesn't look pretty. "You promised me you wouldn't!" Jonah's voice filled with anger filled the air. "Well, I lied," Damon said and Jonah looked like he was gonna kill him right then and there. "What's going on?" Jake asked, curious. "Well, you see, this vial in my hand, inside it is this very special poison. Er, if I'm gonna tell you, might as well start from the beginning," he said and stopped for dramatic pause. "You see, this poison was made a long time a go by a man named Jerome Philippe during the Second World War. Some people were secretly torturing their enemies with this drug. This is how it works: Just even one tiny drop can kill one person and let me tell you, it's not nice. You die a slow, painful death. This poison slowly kills you and you'll be in agonizing pain for at least 2 weeks before you die. This poison disappeared after World War 2 but lucky me! I know some people, who know some people, who know where they were." He finished and had an ugly grin on his face. I wanted so badly to wipe it off. "Hey, the vial's almost finished, where's the rest of the poison?" some guy asked. "Well, you see, James that is a part of my plan. I have given most of the poison to miss butterfly here. First, at the club, I slipped some into her drink and second, when I stabbed her." As soon as he said my name, my heart dropped. The next thing I remember was Jonah exploding and shouting so loud that I thought I'd go deaf. "WHAT?! YOU FUCKING PROMISED MIKE!" Ah, so that's his name, Mike. I wonder why nobody wanted to say it. Wait, what the hell? This guy poisoned me and I'm only thinking about his name? Poisoned me? He said that it would kill me, slow and painful death, and agonizing pain for at least two weeks? I guess that was too much for me to handle since everything went black.

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