Chapter 11

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[Casey's POV] 

I woke up and my back was aching. It was hard for me to walk since my back hurt whenever I stood straight. The doctor gave me painkillers but they weren't really helping. The nurse said that I should heal first before I go back to doing normal stuff so that's what I'm gonna do.

I looked up and saw Matt still sleeping. He looked so peaceful. I smiled and thought about what happened last night. We got home and forgot all about the broken window and the blood on the wall. When we saw it, we all froze. Tears were running down my face and Matt hugged me tightly. I buried my face into his chest and he lifted me off my feet. He carried my bridal style to my room while I cried. We got into my bed and I cried myself to sleep in his arms. I sighed. I wondered if the window was already fixed and if the blood was gone.

I hugged myself closer to Matt and put my head on his chest. I drew random shapes on his abs while waiting for him to wake up. I felt him play with my hair and I looked up at him. He smiled and I smiled back.

"Good morning, my beautiful girlfriend," he said to me with a huge grin on his face.

I chuckled and said, "Good morning, my very hot boyfriend."

He laughed and wrapped his arms around me. We stayed in each other's arms for another few minutes before getting out of bed. We took a shower together but in our underwear. He helped me get into my clothes and he carried my downstairs to eat breakfast. Jake was already on the couch watching some sports thing. Matt sat me down on the couch and went to the kitchen to get us breakfast. He left and I looked at Jake who was intently watching the tv. I wanted to ask him about the window and the wall.

"Jake," I called him and he turned to face me.


"Have they fixed the broken window and the, uh...wall?" I asked him and he gave it some thought first then answered.

"Oh, yeah, our parents already got someone to fix the window and the uh, wall cleaned. Also, your parents hired two bodyguards for you until they catch the guy who did this and know that you're safe."

WHAT? Bodyguards? What the hell for? I can protect myself. Well, I think I proved that wrong when I was in the hospital but still, Jake and Matt are here to protect me, right? I stared at him dumbfounded.

"What?" I asked. He just nodded and I shook my head.

"I'll introduce them to you later," he said when I didn't say anything back.

I just nodded. Matt came in the room with two plates in his hands and gave one to me. He sat down next to me and we started eating the eggs and bacon he made. When we were done, he washed the dishes then we sat down again and watched tv. The sports thing they were watching finished and it was now some boring thing.

"Can I change it?" I asked and Jake passed me the remote.

I flicked through the channels and stopped on the one where Spongebob Squarepants was on. I squealed like a little girl and the guys laughed at me. It started and I sang along with the theme song.

"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Spongebob Squarepants! Absorbent and yellow and porous is he, Spongebob Squarepants!"

Matt and Jake were laughing hysterically at me as I sang the song.

When I finished and they composed themselves, Jake asked, "You memorized the whole song?"

I nodded quickly and continued to watch intently. There was another one after and again, I sang the song. Matt and Jake laughed hysterically again.

"Sometimes I don't believe that you're 16," Jake said after the song and he and Matt chuckled.

I stuck my tongue at him and turned my attention back to the tv. He laughed again and then there was a knock at the door. Jake stood up and opened it. I turned my head to see...


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Falling In Love With HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora