⭐️Forty- Fiancé in Hawaii⭐️

Comenzar desde el principio

"Thank you so much for visiting Mr. Joon, you have truly brought an honer." The waiter smiled as he spoke in French. "It was my pleasure, I thank you guys for helping me with this. I was so nervous that if it wasn't for you guys I might would have broken down and embarrassed myself." They laughed. "Please do tell your boss I thank him and hope we can have drinks sometime." He smiled.

The waiter nodded and walked away with the bill. "What did you say?" Jimin asked. "I thanked him, and he thanked me. I also gave him a small message for my friend." Chen stood up and gently grabbed Jimin's tiny hand.

They walked outside and Chen drove them home. They walked on the privet beach as the sun slowly went down. "ChenYoung, Thank you." He looked up at Chen. "Why?" He asked confused. "Because, I've never had anyone put so much work into a simple anniversary. And then you proposed, and those words you said.....they made me feel like a Queen." He giggled. "That's because you are my queen." Chen smiled.

Jimin smiled as his eyes became teary again. They where in Hawaii, a place he's dreamed of going since he was a child, with the love of his life, and was now engaged. He was engaged in Hawaii. To the love of his life. He couldn't stop repeating it in his head. His emotions took over as he stopped walking and sobbed loudly.

"Why are you crying?" Chen asked furrowing his eyebrows as worry filled his body. He leaned down and gently grabbed Jimin's hand worriedly. The smaller boy giggled and tackled him making them both fall in the sand.

"I love you so much!" He yelled while crying, Chen couldn't help but smile and hold him close. They looked up at the sky as it turned pink and purple and orange. Clouds filled the sky as the ocean splashed loudly.

"I love you too Jiminie." He whispered in his ear and kissed his neck gently. Jimin wiped away his tears after a few minutes and stood up while taking off his jacket, socks and shoes. "I don't know about you, but I'm going swimming." He giggled.

Chen quickly stood up and took off his socks and shoes and chased after Jimin and into the water. "Raaaaaa!" Chen growled playfully while picking Jimin up from behind and spinning around. He screamed and giggled as water splashed around them.

He laughed and pushed Chen away while splashing him. "Yah!" Chen yelled and splashed him. "What scared of water?!" Jimin yelled at him and splashed more water.

"Young love, something about it." Jackson sighed and recorded them playing. "I know, lovely isn't it? I remember when I was twenty. Seems like yesterday, now I'm twenty five." Amber laughed. "These pictures are turning out amazing." Han giggled and looked at his camera. "We are totally gonna be in their wedding." Felix stretched out on the sun while drinking his beer. "Weather they like it or not." Jackson smiled.


Jimin crawled on top of Chen and tackled him in giggles and kisses. "Good morning to you to little bean." Chen sighed and smiled. "Good morning!" He yelled in English. "Oh look how fancy you are, speaking different languages." Chen wiggled his eyebrows.

"I know right." Jimin giggled and gently kissed him. "Guess what?!" He kept asking before Chen could even answer. "What? What is it?" He asked laughing. "WE ARE GETTING MARRIED!" Jimin yelled and rolled around the bed like a mad-man.

"IM GOING TO BE A WIFE!" He squealed loudly. "NO YOUR NOT! YOUR GOING TO BE MY WIFE!" Chen rolled around with him as they screamed and laughed while tickling each other. "AND YOUR GOING TO BE MY HUSBAND!" He yelled happily and kissed Chen.

"Stop laughing and kiss me!" Jimin yelled but Chen couldn't help it and hid his face while laughing. He was to happy, he couldn't believe he was married to this beautiful creature.

Innocent Fighter- (Jimin x Male reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora