§§§ time skip: couple of weeks later §§§

Jacks's POV

"You're all coming to the swimmeet after school, right?"
I asked, referring to Percy and I's first swimmeet of the season. Max and Alina nodded, but Annabeth gave us all an apologetic smile.
"I can't. I'm sorry."
I frowned. What kind of girlfriend is she, not coming to her boyfriends first swimmeet of the season? Percy looked up from his lunch, clearly confused too and frowned at her.
"Why not? I thought you said you could come yesterday?"
She bit her lip and I saw her eyes flicker from me to Max and Alina and back to me. For a moment it seemed as if a look of worry glased her eyes, but it was gone before I could blink.
"I know, but Mal-, I mean, Mr. Pace asked me if he could talk to me right after school. He said it was an emergency."
That made Percy frown even more and for a moment I tought he would ask more about it, but he just stared into her eyes. It seemed as if they were having a silent conversation with only their eyes.
Then he looked away abruptly, shrugged and said okay. Not 5 minutes later both Annabeth and Percy excused themselves saying that they were going for a walk and left the three of us alone at the table. I sighed and shook my head, glaring at the retreating  form of Annabeth Chase.
"I knew she was bad for Percy, but this is even worse than I imagined!"
Alina frowned at me.
"What do you mean?"
I rolled my eyes at her ignorance.
"Annabeth of course. Can't you see what's happening? She's totally cheating on Percy with that new teacher of ours!"
Alina looked at me as if I had gone crazy.
"What?! Have you gone mad? Why on earth would you even think that? I know you don't like her, but saying that's she's cheating on Percy is a bit to much, don't you think?"
"Don't you see it then? It's so obvious. What about you Max?'
I looked at my friend expectantly, but he only shrugged.
"I don't know, man. Why do you think she's cheating?"
I sighed. Did they really not see it?
"First of all she has been less and less with us ever since that new teacher came, coming up with excuse like 'some familybussines' or 'I've got to much homework. You guys can go without me' "
Alina shrugged.
"Percy told me Annabeth had some trouble with her family. It's not the first time she had some family issues, remember that week in November?"
"Alina's got a point there, Jack"
I rolled my eyes and continued.
"She always seems like she's hiding something. She doesn't let anyone touch her bag, let alone her phone."
Alina rolled her eyes at me.
"Maybe she just likes to have some privacy, you know. We're girls! And besides she lets Percy use her phone. So that just counters your argument."
"What about Mr.Pace asking her to stay behind after nearly every class?"
Alina still didn't look really convinced, but you saw that she started to get a bit nervous.
"Well, I did see her hug Mr.Pace after one of our classes when he asked her to stay behind."
Max said hesitantly.
"I thought I imagined it, but maybe..."
"See! Alina you can't deny it now!"
Alina looked at me with an uncomfortable face.
"Still... She wouldn't do that. That's not the Annabeth I know."
"Bloody hell, Alina! We've only known her for 5 months! Maybe she's a totally different person than we think she is!"
Alina shook her head, anger glaring through her eyes.
"That's enough! I'm going. You better not tell Percy about any of your crazy theories. It'll hurt him."
And with that she stood up and walked away. I shook my head at her and looked at Max hoping to see that he agreed with me, but instead I was met with an angry face.
"You shouldn't have said that."
I huffed and rolled my eyes at him.
"But it's true. You know it too. You saw them, don't you?"
He bit his lip.
"I don't know, Jack. Honestly, I don't want it to be true. Percy deserves to be happy. Don't you want him to be happy?"
I nodded, agreeing with him.
"Of course I do. I just don't want her to hurt him."
Max thought for a moment before sighing deeply.
"Let's keep an eye on her this week. If we catch them, we'll tell him. If we don't, we forget this whole thing. Deal?"
I grinned. Finally he was agreeing with me.
"But don't tell Alina. She'll only get more mad and you know she'll tell Annabeth about it."
I nodded and took a bit of my sandwich. After this week we'll finally know what that mysterious girl is hiding.

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