Everly:CH13: Fiendly Occurrence Part 2

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to try and see in your mind again," Dr. Sahari faces me with a needle in hand.

I'm not afraid of needles at least not until now, it's rather menacing looking and sharp.

"What's the needle for?"

"It's to subdue your magic."

That doesn't sound too bad.

"Shouldn't Bastian be here just in case?"

Dr. Sahari approaches and pulls up my sleeve.

"There's no need."

"What did Aldwen tell you about Karma? Did Karma say anything to him? He wouldn't tell me."

"We can talk after, just relax," Dr. Sahari stabs me with the needle, "Get comfortable."

Resting on my back, I see the plain ceiling begin to warp, "Please don't, I'm fine looking at the ceiling."

The last thing I want is for the stars to be ruined for me, becoming associated with stress and anxiety. Thankfully she listens. Resting my hands on my stomach, Dr. Sahari leaves the room. I'm assuming temporarily, using her time elsewhere as she waits for whatever she injected me with to kick in.

Warm and fuzzy the feeling begins to spread around my body like a weird pleasant version of pins and needles, I feel heavier than usual. Why can't I move?

Dr. Sahari returns and doesn't waste any time, crossing the small room her fingers pressing against my temple.

"Wait, I can't move, why can't I move?"

My arms and legs won't respond but I can still move my lips and lift my head, from the shoulders down however I am absolutely useless, "What did you do to me?"

"You're safe here Everly, just relax and let me do what I'm good at. You want answers, don't you? I can get them for you, but we need to work together, you have to calm down. It's just a temporary side effect from the magic paralysis. I promise."

That's easier said than done. Focusing on deep breaths doesn't help at all in the beginning, not when I can feel the resistance in my mind, like the beginning of a migraine that you know is going to hurt like heck, the kind that takes a dark room and wet face washer along with medication.

Closing my eyes, the hint of pain explodes in my mind. Raging like a severe storm no part in my mind is untouched.

I've got to fight through it. Dr. Sahari can give me the answers I need. Come on Everly.

"Tell the bitch to stop, and I will," Karma appears by my side.

No, not again.

"Get fucked."

"All right if that's the way you want it to be," Karma readies her thumbs. Whatever is about to happen can't be good and of course, trying to get away fails, since I still can't fucking move.

Gouging my eyes, the pain jumps on the scale from a ten out of ten, up to at least a few hundred out of ten. I can't hold back the scream as I lose my sight and I'm plunged into darkness, unfortunately, it barely drowns out the sound of my eyeballs being turned to mush.

"Stop!" I've never screamed so loud in my life before.

"Everly, I need you to work with me," Dr. Sahari replies. Can she not hear the anguish in my cries? Karma is slowly taking her time, digging around in my eye sockets.

"I said STOP. I can't do this anymore," I cry in between the screams.

My pain threshold is basically non-existent. It's not that I don't want Dr. Sahari figuring out what the fuck is going on, to be rid of Karma forever, but there has to be another way that doesn't include me being tortured. There must be.

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