Everly:CH7: Round Two Part 1

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"That feels so nice," I mumble. Lying on my side I feel her finger tracing shapes on my bareback keeping to the shoulders and my sides she knows better than to draw over or too close to my spine unless she wants me wriggling like crazy. Polly uses that against me when I refuse to get up in the mornings.

The tingles intensify as soft lips begin placing kisses all over my shoulder, while her hands snake over my hips and up to my breasts, rolling my nipple between her fingers, I let out a slight moan. Opening my eyes I see natural sunlight peeking through the slit in the middle of the curtains. We might have time before someone comes knocking on the door. It's hard to tell without looking at the clock.

"I love you," his voice rasps. Fear has my vocal cords paralysed as I squirm and press myself against the wall into the corner, covering my naked body with a corner of the blanket. Not the smartest move, now I'm boxed in.

Fuck. I recognise him instantly. No, it cant be. I'm going to be sick. I've tried so hard to forget that face.

"You're not going to say it back?" my father asks. I hate that I share his brown skin and green eyes. At least I don't have the same dark brown hair any more. Despite our different skin tones, when side by side, it's easy to see my mother's features. I just wish I had also inherited her rosy complexion, blue eyes, and light brown hair.

This isn't real. It's just another delusion, like in the bathroom with Karma. I squeeze my eyes shut. His heavy breaths are growing louder with each second that passes. I try to ignore it, to will him the fuck away from me especially since I know it's not real, but it's not working. He's not going anywhere. The sickening sound forces my eyes to open, the freak is wanking right in front of me. All the pent up rage and anger is enough to loosen the debilitating grip keeping me speechless.

"Stop it, GET THE FUCK OUT."

He stops stroking himself, " but baby girl, I can make you feel good."

I scoff at the ridiculousness of his words, "Make me feel good?! All you ever did was make me feel ashamed." I seethe, "I've spent my whole life hating myself, and feeling like a freak because of you."

The familiar energy is fighting to surface against the wards, trying to claw its way out of me.

"You never complained, you-"

"I was a child. You were meant to be my father. I trusted you. I would've jumped off a fucking cliff if you had told me to."

A smile surfaces on his face, one that sends chills down my spine. I try to gain more distance forgetting the wall is blocking me. There's nowhere to go.

"Remember what I used to say?" he asks.

"You mean the crazy talk about you being the father of the celestials? That you created the divine realm-"

"That we'd be happy there together, forever," he interrupts, and my stomach lurches again.

"Even in death you're still fucking crazy," I scoff, still clutching the blanket as close to my body as possible, "I'm so glad you're dead. I just wish it had been me that killed you."

"But it was, you were the reason. Losing you broke my heart."

My mother left him when I was ten years old after he tried to kill her. Part of me wonders if I had closed the door as he ordered me, if he would've slit her throat like he was threatening to do. Thankfully he only reached out with a couple of letters, and then we never heard from him again. It was through extended family we were notified of his death and got updates about his failing health. They don't know the man he was. I'm afraid they won't believe me, that they will disown me. The dead can't defend themselves after all. I wouldn't want to believe it, that my son or brother was capable of such monstrous actions.

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