Sam sat across from Carly and Kate at breakfast, and was talking to them about Bob. "Hey" Anthony said, as he approached. "Hey" said Carly. "We were just talking about the time Bob found the fox in the forest. Sam was saying that he wished he was there, because he would have laughed." Anthony smiled before looking at Sam and saying "I want you to come on a run with me today." "We can't get through the walkers, though" said Sam. "Well" said Anthony. 'We'll go around. I want to talk to you anyway, and I'd rather want to be alone when we do." "Okay" said Sam, with a nod.

Gwen grabbed a plate, and walked right into Sherri. "Sorry" Gwen said, as she started walking off. "Wait" said Sherri. "Talk to Luke again. I'm sure he wants to apologize." "He doesn't need to" said Gwen. "I'm okay, and I don't care. It's fine." She then continued walking off, as Sherri looked sad.

Terry walked around, and spotted Ian and Ted talking, and saw Carly, Gwen and Kate eating breakfast, Jason looking around, and William on watch. He then saw David in the infirmary, and sighed. "I have to tell someone" he said, and he started walking towards the infirmary.

Anthony and Sam walked down the road, with two walkers roaming down it. "What'd you want to talk about?" Sam asked, as Anthony drew his machete and chopped the walker's heads off. "We can talk about it when we get there" Anthony said. "Where are we going?" Sam asked, looking at his father. Anthony looked down at him and said "I don't know."

Terry opened the infirmary door and saw David looking down at his feet, with a filled to the tip cup of water next to him. "You need to drink" Terry said. David looked up and said "Are you here to tell me to get up and drink some water?" David asked. "No" Terry said. "But, I need to talk to you." "About?" David asked. Terry pulled up a chair and said "The girl that betrayed us, Vivian, came to me last night while I was on watch and said that we should leave because Joseph is planning to destroy the walls and send walkers in, and she said not to tell the community because if they know about it, they'll kill her."

David stared at him and said "Well, I guess we're leaving then." Terry look confused and asked "That's it?" "What do you want me to say?" David asked. "If you tell your girlfriend dies, so I guess we're leaving Melville. I never really liked this place anyway." Terry stared at David who then said "Sorry, but don't bring your problems to me. Now, get out." Terry pushed his chair to the side before walking out.

Anthony pulled his machete from a walker's brain, as Sam asked "Should I open the door?" They stood outside of a drugs store, and Anthony nodded. Sam pulled the door opened and aimed his gun, before saying "It's clear." "Good" said Anthony, as the two walked into the drugs store.

"You get meds that deal with infection" Anthony said. "I'll get pain meds. This should last us a few weeks." "Dad" said Sam. "Why do we need these drugs?" Anthony stared at him and said "I'm going to ask you something." "What?" Sam asked. Anthony sighed, and knelt down to Sam and said "How would you feel about leaving Melville?"

Sam stared at him for several seconds before asking "Why would you want to leave?" "Because of Joseph" said Anthony. "I don't want to put you and the others at risk again. I want you all to survive, and we can't do that with another enemy in our faces." Sam looked angry before saying "I get that you want everyone to survive, but we have sanctuary in Melville, and if we were to leave, then you'd be giving us a death sentence from the walkers. Please Dad, don't make us go back out there again. Please, can we stay?" Anthony stared at him and said "I'll think about it."

David looked up at the ceiling of the infirmary, and stared at the lights above. The door opened, and a voice said "I did know Bob." David looked over at Hannah, who stood at the door, looking angry. "I didn't know him since childhood like you did" she said. "I didn't know him as well as you did, but I still knew him, and I knew him well enough to know that he doesn't want his best friend sitting in an infirmary that he doesn't even need. I know that you knew him well too, but you don't get to say that I didn't know him, because I was in love with him. Now, get up, because he'd be ashamed if you didn't."

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