"Dr. Russell" I look up to find him... smiling. That's new. All the girls eyes are on us. Gigi is trying to hide her smirk. I almost nudge her with my elbow.

"You look dashing tonight" he blurts out. He immediately seems like he wishes he hadn't said that in front of my friends. I feel my cheeks getting warm.

"Thank you! You look nice too" I tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear. We stare at each other for a moment before he snaps out of his small trance and acknowledges the fact that I'm accompanied by my friends.

"Hello ladies" He greets the girls. All at the same time they quietly say "Dr.Russell"

"Is it okay if I can steal Moore for a bit?" He politely asks. I have never seen him ask us if he could do anything. Usually it's us asking him if we're allowed to do something.

The girls nod their head in unison before leaving me alone with our attending. My nerves are on fire. I didn't prepare myself on what to talk about with him. What is there to talk about with him?

Dr. Russell slowly starts turning away. He glances back at me and nods for me to follow and I do just that without a word. We stand next to one of the empty tables. I observe some of the people here at the Gala to distract myself from the awkwardness.

"Moore" he begins.

"Please. You can call me Stella" I tell him. He takes a sip out of his glass. I didn't even realize he had a drink in his hand. It'd be great if I had one too.

"Okay. And you can call me Victor" another sip from his glass, those warm chocolate brown eyes set on me. I quickly steal a glance at his left hand. No ring. He's not married. This shocks me but also sends a wave of relief through my body. I'm glad he isn't because then I definitely wouldn't be here with him if I knew he had a wife at home.

"I hope it doesn't make you feel uncomfortable that I've asked you to be my plus one." I shake my head when he asks.

"It doesn't" I semi lie.
"Good. I've asked you to accompany me over everyone here because I see something in you." He sets the empty glass on the table. My eyes study his every move. I try to look confident. He sees something in me?

"And what might that be?" I raise a brow. A grin splits Victors lips. He looks even more attractive when he's actually smiling. I notice how full his lips are. His bottom lip slightly bigger than his top. I imagine he's a great kisser. Don't do that. He is my attending for crying out loud!

"Talent. Extraordinary talent. You don't seem like a normal girl" he's eyes are burning into mine. "And I don't think you're meant to be normal. You exceed the other interns and don't get me wrong they are great too but you stand out." I'm left speechless. To hear my attending tell me he sees potential in me is something else. I can't help but give him the biggest smile.

"Do you know what you want to specialize in?" He asks after a moment of me not saying anything. I was still trying to register his compliment.

"Neonatal surgery has my interest but so does Cardio. I'm a bit stuck between the two" I respond.

"Whichever one you'll choose I'm sure you'll be great in" his eyes are soft and I can't help but notice the way he's looking at me.

"Thank you, that means a great deal to hear from you. You're one of the best surgeons. It's an honor to be able to have your guidance." I beam.

"I will do my best to teach you all I know and hopefully it'll help you make your choice. Although Cardio is the best" he winks, "and yes I am a bit biased." A laugh escapes my mouth. I've never imagined myself in this situation. When I first got here I had the impression Victor didn't like me but tonight I am seeing a whole new side of him. I'm enjoying it. A bit too much.

FIRE & BLOOD • EVAN 'BUCK' BUCKLEY / 9-1-1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora