Chapter Twenty One.

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"Good girl," Ethan muttered in my ear, his hot breath sending shivers through my veins. He had me pinned down on the bed, my legs wrapped around his waist as he expertly moved inside me. I couldn't help but let out a moan, my eyes rolling back inside my head.

"God that was so sexy," He slipped his hand under my head and grabbed a fistful of my hair at the base of my skull, gripping it like he was scared to lose me.

I used my legs to pull him in deeper, reaching a hand to his muscular back. I gently ran my finger nails down his spine. It was his turn to let out a moan.

"Cum for me," I whispered in his ear. I could feel his heartbeat quicken against my bare chest, his breath hitching in his throat. His fingers curled into the bed sheets, gripping them so hard his knuckles turned white. He let out a sigh of relief and his hips began to slow. I knew the job was done.

His heart was pounding out of his smooth chest as he rolled off me and onto his back, beads of sweat on his brow. He laid there for a long moment, eyes closed as he gathered his bearings.

I rolled over towards him, lightly resting my head on his shoulder and throwing my leg over his legs.

"You leave me speechless, Lo," Ethan eventually breathed out.

"You're not to bad of a performer yourself," I smiled and pressed a soft kiss to his collarbone.

"I just want to stay like this forever," He muttered and pulled me closer to his warm body. "This is the best birthday gift ever."

"Oh, but wait," I grinned. "There's more," I looked around the room for the box I had placed in there earlier. I spotted it on the nightstand, where it had been moved sometime between me leaving it on the bed and the Tiffany chaos. I rolled out of his arms and reached for the box, pulling it onto the bed. I sat up and presented it to Ethan who was still laying on his back.

"You mean there's more?" He asked as he pushed himself up, taking the box from my hands.

"Just open it!" I nudged him, eager to see his reaction.

He tore off the wrapping paper and pulled the top off of the box, peering in.

"Lo," He grinned from ear to ear, looking up at me. "I can't believe you got me this jacket. I can't believe you remembered I liked it," He shook his head as he pulled out the jacket I purchased at the 1975 concert.

"I just knew it would look great on you," I replied.

"Thank you, Lo, I love it," He said as he inspected the jacket. He paused for a minute, a blush appearing on his cheeks. "I- I love you, Lo," He looked at me with the sparkly brown eyes I loved so much.

My heart was exploding with joy. "I love you, too, E"

"You, you do?" He asked, a bit surprised.

"I do," I leaned over to press a kiss to his plump lips.

His arms snakes around my waist and he pulled me on top of him, our still naked bodies pressing together as we kissed. I couldn't help but let out a giggle, as I was filled with glee. Each kiss felt like magic. I could almost hear the fireworks going off around us.

Ethan pulled away, a confused look on his face. "Are those fireworks?" He asked and turned to the window.

I followed his gaze, where a bright light flew by, and the sky lit up, followed by a faint boom.

"I believe so. We should get dressed and go back downstairs, you're missing your party," I said, running a hand through his brunette locks.

"Actually it's mostly Madeline's party," He said and pulled me back for another kiss.

"Ethan! Ethan! Ethan!" A faint chant could be heard from downstairs.

"Are you sure about that?" I laughed.

"Just one more," He gave me puppy dog eyes, and an adorable pouty lip.

"One more," I pressed a kiss to his lips.

"One more," He said again, and of course I couldn't resist. "One more?" He asked again.

"Get up before they come in here and drag you out," I laughed, pushing his face away from mine.

"Fine," He grumbled, rolling out of bed.
The rest of the night was all smiles and laughs as Ethan and Madeline celebrated their birthday with friends. It certainly was a night to remember. The party carried on through the early morning hours. People began trickling out. We dragged Madeline to bed and began to clean up. Once the house was finally empty aside from our group, the clean up began.

"I don't even want to know what this is," Fran crinkled her nose as she threw some sort of cloth into the trash.

"Neither do I," I laughed. "Lets worry about this tomorrow. I'm wiped." I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the living room.

"Oh my goodness," Fran chuckled as we entered the living room. Veronica and Split were fast asleep on the couch, cuddling among the empty cups.

"How adorable," I whispered and grabbed a throw blanket, tossing it over them.

"You're right, it's time for bed," Fran headed to the stairs, flipping the light switch to living room off behind us.

"I'll go check on Mads, I know you're sleeping in Ethan's room tonight," she said as we headed up the stairs.

"What can I say, sleeping next to someone you love is always the best."

"Love!" Fran exclaimed, turning to look at me with a surprised look on her face.

"He told me he loved me today," I grinned.

"I didn't even know he was capable of love," she snickered. "Go get your man and enjoy your young love," She said as she opened the door to Madeline's room.

"Goodnight, Fran," I waved and continued down the hall to Ethan's room.

I opened the door slowly, assuming he was already asleep. The room was dark, and I tiptoed in, closing the door behind me as soft as possible.

"Finally," I heard his voice behind me, hands grabbing my waist.

"Oh, is this round two?" I grinned, his hands easily finding my zipper in the dark.

"You know me so well," He said as he yanked the zipper down, my dress falling to the ground.


sorry it's been so long. i promise i really want to finish this. hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! - n.r.

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