Chapter Five.

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At school the next day I parked far away from Heather's vehicle, not wanting to cause any trouble. I muddled through first and second period and checked out my textbooks during my free period. At lunch Split took me to meet Madame Monee, the dance instructor. I showed her a few YouTube videos of me dancing back in Florida and got a spot on the team. Rehearsals would be every Wednesday after school, starting in September.
I found myself looking forward to fourth period, but I told myself it was because I liked biology.

To everyone's surprise, Ethan wasn't late for class, he made good on his promise, for at least one day.

"You look great today," Ethan's voice was awfully close as he leaned from his own stool at the lab station.

"I look great every day," I responded, not even glancing at him.

"And here I was thinking you were dressed up for our study date," I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was smirking.

"I dress nice for myself," I smoothed down my denim skirt.

"I can appreciate that," he shrugged, and I finally brought myself to look at him. God, he looked so good. "So, do I get to meet the family today?" Ethan asked.

"No, my dad is in Los Angeles with the President and my mom is back in Florida to finish some paperwork with our old house," I explained. "But don't get any ideas," I added.

"Me? I'm a complete gentleman," Ethan grinned.

"Whatever, what should we do for our cladogram?" I changed the subject.

Ethan made sure to walk me, or more like follow me to fifth period again. Madeline made a point to glare at Ethan as I entered the chemistry classroom.

I sat in my seat next to Madeline and she gave me a look.

"What?" I furrowed my brow as I pulled out the completed worksheet from yesterday's class.

"You're getting awfully close to Ethan," She said, a hint of attitude evident in her voice.

"We're lab partners. He's just friendly," I replied.

"No, he's just horny," She huffed.

"Madeline!" I looked at her with wide eyes. "Even if that's true, I'm not, and I am strictly interested in getting through AP Bio."

"Just don't do anything you'll regret, okay?"

"Madeline, please don't worry about me." I assured her.

"Whatever," She looked at the board and began to copy down notes.

I sighed and did the same. I really enjoyed having Ethan as a lab partner. He was full of surprises and seemed to be good at bio. But at the same time, I didn't want to lose Madeline. She was the only friend I had and the only one who seemed to like me for me. I decided not to worry about it and just focus on chemistry. Madeline didn't say anything for the rest of class.

I went to my sixth period, feeling down about Madeline and Ethan.

Ethan completely ignored me as he talked with his teammates. He was so unpredictable.

I sat down in my seat and made small talk with Ashton. It became clear that Mr. Brewington was not going to show up for class after about fifteen minutes of waiting for him to appear.

"Ash, Lola," I was surprised to hear Ethan acknowledge me. "We're going to go scrimmage, are you two in?" He pointed to the boys and then the window. Those idiots were really going to climb out the second story window to play some soccer.

Ash and I exchanged a look.

"I'm in," I said before he could object. I wasn't going to risk any teasing from Ethan or the other boys for saying no.

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