Chapter Ten.

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After school the next day, I drove over to Ethan and Madeline's house to work on our science project. I knocked on the door, my backpack slung over my shoulder.

The door opened, to reveal Tiffany.

"You're Lola, right?" She asked in her young high pitched voice.

"Yeah, good to see you again Tiffany," I managed a smile, gripping the strap of my bag tightly. I didn't know she was going to be here.

"Come in, Ethan is in his room." She let me in and I followed her up the stairs and to his room.

Ethan was sitting at a brown desk against the wall. He didn't say anything when we came in. His room was simple, there were a few soccer related things decorating his room, and a full sized mattress took up the majority of the room.

"Don't let me bother you, I'll just be over here!" Tiffany said and plopped down onto his bed.

"Let's get this over with," Ethan grumbled and grabbed his laptop off the desk. He sat down on the floor, opening up a power point.

I took a seat next to him and pulled out my notes.

"If you guys need any help, I took Biology honors last year." Tiffany spoke up once more. That would make her a sophomore, because biology was a freshman class. Whatever, I'm not the judgmental type.

"I figured we should start with the oldest ancestor and work our way up to the modern horse," I spoke to Ethan.

"Sure, sounds right," Ethan began typing.

About an hour later, I was downloading the presentation to my flash drive. Ethan had barely spoken, and hadn't even looked up at me the whole time. I felt as if Tiffany had been staring at me the whole time.

My phone began to ring, and the word 'Mom' popped up on the screen. I figured Ethan wouldn't care if I answered it, considering he was barely talking.

"Hey, mom," I said as i put the phone up to my ear.

"Are you coming home soon, don't be late for dinner!" She warned.

"I'm just leaving, mom," I assured. "I'll see you soon." I hung up the phone. I began packing up my things. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then," I said as I stood up.

"Yeah," Ethan muttered.

"I'll let myself out," I turned on my heel. "Bye, Tiffany!" I waved, exiting the room as fast as I could. The energy in that room was suffocatingly tense. Ethan had no right to act like such a jerk.

"Lola!" Madeline walked in through the front door as I approached to leave.

"Hey, Mads," I smiled. "I've gotta get going,"

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow," She opened the door to let me out.

I made my way to my car and hopped in, heading home.

I opened the front door to my house, and could hear voices in the kitchen. My dad must've been off, which was unusual for a weekday.

"I'm home!" I called, setting my keys and backpack down.

"Great, sweetie, come into the dining room, dinner is almost ready!" My mom called back.

I entered the kitchen to see my sister sitting at the dining room table with my dad as my mom cooked dinner.

"Lucia!" I grinned and ran over to her.

She stood to meet me in a hug.

"How's college? How's Charlie? How are you?!" I practically vomited words, excited to see my big sister.

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