Chapter Two.

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I roamed the unfamiliar hallways; the occasional student passing to use the restroom or visit a locker.

"Skipping on your first day?" a male voice echoed behind me.

I turned to see the owner of the voice leaning up against the wall, looking like an Instagram model.

"It looks to me as if you're skipping too," I replied. "And how did you know it was my first day?" I frowned.

"I know everyone, and I don't know you, so that must mean you're new," He shrugged, pushing himself off the wall and walking closer. "And I saw your encounter with Heather this morning. anyone who doesn't know to cross her must be new, or insanely badass,"

"What is she, like, queen bee, or whatever?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah actually, or at least, she thinks she is," the brown-haired boy responded.

"That's so cliché." I snickered

"Tell me about it," He laughed. "I didn't catch your name," his familiar brown eyes sparkled.

"Lola," I ran a hand through my chocolate waves, pretending that he wasn't wildly attractive.

"Lola," he repeated. "I'm Ethan."

The name clicked in my head, and I realized why his eyes were so familiar looking.

"Ethan?" Madeline's voice engulfed the hall. "Why can't you go to class for once in your life?" She groaned. "Wait, Lola? Not you too!"

I turned to face her, her own brown eyes glaring at who she had told me was twin brother. "Uh actually, I have a free period, I was just taking a walk, when I ran into your brother." I explained. For some reason I felt like I was in trouble.

"Oh great, Madeline has gotten to you first, good luck," Ethan said sarcastically.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Madeline snapped back.

"Um, I'll just be going..." I didn't want to get caught in between a sibling war.

"I'll see you at lunch!" Madeline called after me before chewing out her brother for skipping. The two were complete opposites, the only thing they had in common were their attractive facial features and wise brown eyes.

"Daddy, she stole my parking spot!" Another familiar voice exclaimed as I rounded the corner. The sickening amount of pink gave Heather away, and she seemed to be talking to the principal.

"There she is now!" Heather pointed at me before I could run in the opposite direction.

I cursed under my breath, I didn't know she was the principal's daughter.

"You must be Lola, the new student," the principal turned to face me.

"That would be correct," I nodded.

"It seems you've parked in my daughter's parking spot, but I'm sure it was all just a misunderstanding," he said.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't realize there were assigned spots. I'll be sure to park somewhere else tomorrow," I gave a polite smile.

"See, dear, she couldn't have known, after all she's new here," the principal told his daughter.

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes. "I'm going back to class. I better have my parking spot back tomorrow," she turned on her pink heels and strutted back into her classroom.

"I'm terribly sorry, sir," I apologized again. I couldn't get into trouble on my first day at a new school, my parents would kill me.

"No need to apologize, it wasn't your fault. Just don't let it happen again."

"Yes sir,"

"Oh, and go to class,"

"Yes sir," I quickly turned and went back the way I came. There was no sign of the twins anywhere, but the bell was about to ring for lunch.


p.s. meet heather aka barbie in the photo above -n.r.

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