Chapter Twenty.

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Madeline had planned the birthday bash of the year for her and Ethan, although I was convinced it was really for her. Ver, Fran and I sat on Madeline's bed while she continued to get ready for her party, that was starting any minute.

"Mads, you look great," Francesca assured.

"You can only adjust your tiara so many times," Veronica said, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"I just want to look perfect for today," Madeline frowned and smoothed down her baby blue dress yet again.

"Or maybe for a special someone?" I chimed in, giving her a knowing look.

A blush crept on to Madeline's face, although she tried to hide it with her most serious lawyer face.

"Well, whoever he is, he's a lucky man to grab the attention of Madeline Roberts," Fran said as she hopped off the bed. "My date is here, if you don't mind," she gave Madeline a sweet smile before her red hair disappeared through the doorway. She and Christie hit it off at the team building party and had been and seeing each other for weeks.

"Come on, Mads, your guests are waiting for your grand entrance," Veronica grabbed Madeline's hand and pulled her away from the mirror she had been standing in front of.

"I'll be right behind you," I waved them off and grabbed the wrapped box I had placed on Madeline's desk. I couldn't be more excited to give Ethan his birthday gift. Madeline had already opened her gift earlier that day. I had gotten her a custom desk plate and pen that read 'Attorney Madeline Roberts' as a reminder of her goal to become a lawyer.

As I exited her room, I checked myself in the mirror, making sure my black satin dress sat well on my body. Black really was my color. Satisfied with my appearance, I stepped out into the hallway, the murmur of voices downstairs growing louder. I walked in the opposite direction towards Ethan's room, the sound of my black heels on the tile filling the empty hallway. I had yet to see Ethan that day, as he had been out getting stuff for the party. I assumed he was downstairs mingling, but I didn't want to carry the box through the party. I entered his bedroom and carefully placed the box on his bed before leaving the room and closing the door behind me.

A few moments later I made my way through the crowded living room, looking for Ethan. It didn't take long to spot him in the sea of faces. He was easily the most attractive man there, and his smile lit up the whole room. He was talking to some boys from the team, laughing and joking around. Happiness looked so good on him, and it made me smile. His eyes met mine from across the living room, and I saw a sparkle in them as his grin grew wider.

"Happy birthday, E," I greeted as I approached.

"I was wondering when my gift was going to arrive," He said as he grabbed me by the waist. He gently pulled me in for a kiss, my heart skipping a beat as it did every time he touched me.

"Wait until you get your real present," I grinned as I pulled away. "I think you'll enjoy it a lot more."

"Enjoy it more than I enjoy your company?" He raised an eyebrow. "Impossible."

"You're such a sweet talker," I rolled my eyes to mask the sheepish smile I knew was forming on my face.

"I love it when you roll your eyes," He smirked. "You're so cute."

I couldn't hide the sheepish smile any longer. Something about the L-word made my heart burst with excitement. Even though neither of us had said it yet, we were in deep. I was in love with him.

"Shut up," I mustered up words even though he had me flustered.

"You look lovely tonight," He said and took my hand in his, pulling me in a full 360.

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