Chapter Fifteen.

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Saturday night Ethan picked me up right on time. I opened the front door to see him in exactly what I told him to wear. He wore black dress pants, a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a black tie hung loose around his neck.

"Wow," Ethan said, as he gave me the once over.

I was dressed in a black gown, a slit going all the way up my leg on one side. I had strap around my thigh to store my fake gun.

"That's the reaction I was going for," I grinned and stepped passed him to walk to his car.

It took him a second to respond, and I knew he was checking me out from behind.

"Oh, right, Ash," He said.

"Not Ash," I shook my head as Ethan opened the door for me. "I deserve to feel like a bad bitch after the week I had." I slid into the passenger seat.

"Well, let me tell you, I don't mind at all," He smirked as he shut the door, walking to the driver's side. "So, let me guess," He said as he started the car. "We're the Smiths,"

"Ding ding ding," I said. The radio came on soon after I replied, the 1975 blasting through the speakers. I grinned. 'Fallingforyou' filled the car.

"You're a still coming to the concert with me, right?" He asked.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," I replied.

I could see a hint of a smile on his face as he drove. I turned the music up.

We arrived at Heather's house, and a steady stream of people in costume were walking in.

Ethan parked and opened my door for me.

"Mrs. Smith," He said and offered me his hand.

"Mr. Smith," I nodded and took his hand, stepping out of the car.

As we walked in, we got quite a few stares. We looked pretty good together, the stares were pretty much expected. Neither of us seemed to mind.

"Shall we dance?" He asked.

"Of course," I led him out onto the dance floor.

This time around, we were both single. I didn't feel bad about dancing up on him, and he didn't appear to mind either.

Eventually, I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"May I cut in?" Tyler asked over the music.

Ethan stepped aside. "I'm going to go get us drinks," He called, and disappeared into the crowd.

"Hey, Lola," Tyler smiled.

"Tyler," I acknowledged as we danced.

"So are you and Ethan together?" He asked.

I shook my head. "He's just a friend,"

"Good," He grinned.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I laughed.

"Nothing," He shrugged.

"Nothing?" I skeptically asked.

"Maybe we can go see a movie or something someday," He suggested.

"Maybe," I laughed.

We danced for a while, and I began to wonder when Ethan was coming back.

"I'm going to go try and find Ethan," I told Tyler. "I'll see you around?"

"Definitely," He nodded, and we went our separate ways.

I wandered into the house, looking for Ethan. As I neared the kitchen, I heard voices.

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