Chapter Eight.

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"Thank you, for tonight." I smiled at Ash as we stood on my porch.

"No, thank you," He shook his head. "I had an amazing night,"

"Text me when you get home, so I know you're okay,"

"I will," He nodded, and turned to leave.

"Wait," I called after him.

"Yeah?" He looked at me quizzically.

"You forgot something,"


I grabbed his face and pulled him into a deep kiss. He was startled at first, but his hands found my waist. I pulled away, and Ash appeared to be in a daze.

"See you later, Ash," I laughed and went inside, locking the door behind me.

I woke up the next morning to a text.

I'm coming over. I need to know everything about you and Ash!

Madeline texted me around nine. How in hell was she even awake after the night before?

I responded a quick agreement and got out of bed. I needed coffee.

After throwing on some clothes, I went downstairs for breakfast. Both of my parents were home.

"How was your night?" My mom asked as she put waffles on a plate.

"Fun," I replied. I began to pour my coffee as my parents looked at each other. "What's up?"

"Your sister is coming next weekend for a few days," My dad smiled. "I'm going to be off all weekend, we'll do a nice dinner."

I took a waffle and sat down at the table with my parents.

"You can bring that nice boy we saw leaving last night." My dad added.

"So, you guys saw Ash?" I sipped my coffee.

"We know you're growing up, and you're almost an adult..." My mom began. I knew where this was going.

"Okay, I'm going to be completely honest with you guys." I interrupted before the conversation could get more awkward.

"First of all, Ash and I are not a couple yet, so I do not need a lecture. Second of all, Lacey is all the birth control I need." Lacey was my extremely promiscuous cousin who had multiple pregnancies before graduating high school. "And third of all, I'm an amazing kid. You can trust me to make the right decisions." I took a large bite of my waffle.

"Okay, honey, but,"

"And that goes for Ashton too. He's very trustworthy and you have nothing to worry about with him." I interrupted again.

"We're glad to hear it, but as parents its our job to keep you safe. If you ever want to go to the doctor and get a prescription, we will be happy that you're being responsible." My mom said.

"Thanks, mom." I refrained from rolling my eyes and continued to eat my waffle. "My friend Madeline is coming over in a bit."

"I'll save her some breakfast." My mom smiled.

About an hour later the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" I called and ran down the stairs to the door. I pulled it open to see Madeline, her normal looking self. It was like she had never gone to the party.

"Lola!" She looked surprised. I realized I wasn't wearing any makeup, she hadn't seen me bare-faced yet. "You're, like, stupid pretty." She pulled me into a hug.

"Thanks," I laughed. "Come in,"

"Wow, you have such a lovely home! Ah, you must be Mrs. Cortes!" My mom had entered the room.

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