Chapter Fourteen.

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"Get the girls together and grab your fake IDs, it's girl's night," I told Madeline over the phone three hours later.

"Yes! I love girl's night!" Madeline hung up the phone.

I threw on my gold hoops and a gold choker. I had already cried over Ash, now I needed to get out and live my life without him. I slid on my black heels and grabbed my gold clutch from homecoming. I wiggled around in front of the mirror my red leather skirt to test the mobility. I looked good in the black lacy bra that I had paired with the skirt. Ash didn't know what he was missing. I turned away from the mirror, flipping my chocolate waves over my shoulder as I approached my window. I slid it open and hopped out onto the fire escape, walking down the stairs to my car.

I arrived at Madeline's house and knocked on the door, hoping that the girls were there and ready to go.

Ethan opened the door. We made eye contact before he gave me the once over.

"You look good," He said.

"I know," I replied.

"Does Ash know you're going out like that?" He asked.

"Ash doesn't have to know, he's not my boyfriend,"

"Well, then, by all means, have fun," He said as Madeline, Veronica, and Francesca came into view.

"Be safe," Ethan said to us all as he turned and walked deeper into the house.

"Let's party!" Madeline yelled and Veronica and Francesca squealed with excitement before running to my car.

We drove deep into the city, skyscrapers lining the road and lighting up the night sky.

"But, on a serious note, are you sure you're alright, Lo?" Madeline asked as I pulled into an underground parking lot.

"I'm fine," I nodded. "I cried over him and got it out of my system, but I'm not going to spend the rest of my weekend laying in bed and wondering what I did wrong because I didn't do anything wrong. I knew what I was getting into when we started dating. There's nobody to blame. So now, I just want to dance with my girls," I said and took the keys out of the ignition. "Ready?"

"Ready!" The girls replied in a chorus and the sound of the doors opening encouraged me to do the same.

I stepped out, my black heel striking the concrete.

We got in line for the nearest club. It was still pretty early, about nine o'clock, but a ton of girls in line were already wasted. The bouncers let everyone in, not even asking for our ID's.

And we danced, all night long.

Monday morning I pulled into the school parking lot, prepared to show Ash what he was missing. I confidently walked to class in a simple black dress that showed off my figure with white sneakers.

"Damn, Lo," Veronica grinned as I took my seat.

"Hopefully Ash will feel the same way," I muttered.

"Stop thinking about him!" Madeline chimed in.

"It's only been two days since we broke up, I think I'm allowed to still think about him," I muttered.

"No that's not allowed. We need to get you a new boy toy," Veronica replied.

"She's right, I can ask Ethan to set you up with one of his friends?" Madeline offered.

"No!" I said a little too quickly. "Don't ask Ethan for anything," I shook my head.

"And why would that be?" Madeline raised her eyebrows. I could hear Veronica snicker.

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