Chapter Seven.

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Once again, there was no sign of Ethan at school the next day. I got to fourth period and pulled out the completed cladogram.

"Let's start the presentations," Mrs. Blaine spoke to the class. "Volunteers first,"

I was hoping that I wouldn't have to present by myself. There were only a few more minutes left in class, and I was last to present.

"Lola, do you want to present without your partner?"

I stood up. "That's fine." I made my way to the front of the class.

Just as I began to present, the door opened, and Ethan glided in.

"Ethan, glad you can join. Lola was just about to present. Why don't you join her?" Ms. Blaine asked.

Ethan nodded, not looking at me as he began to explain the placement of the organisms on the cladogram as we had discussed before.

We finished presenting, and the bell rang. Ethan, still not making eye contact, left the classroom. Annoyed at his stunt, I grabbed my bag and went to fifth period.

In sixth period, Ethan was busy sitting with his teammates. I began to realize what Mads had warned me about. I shrugged it off and took my seat next to Ashton. Mr. Brewington wasn't there again. I overheard a student say that he only taught Monday and Tuesday for some reason.

"So, are you two getting back together?" Jeremey's voice asked someone he was sitting with.

"I don't know. I know she wants to. I'm taking her to Heather's party tonight." Ethan's voice answered the question.

My heart sunk, Madeline was right.

"Dude, she's so hot, I'd take her back in a heartbeat."

"Lola?" Ashton's voice snapped me out of the trance.

"Yeah, Ash?" I smiled. I had no reason to be upset, right? Madeline warned me.

"Are you going to Heather's party tonight?" He asked.

"I'm not sure..." I replied. Did I want to go see Ethan and another girl together?

"Maybe you'd like to come with me?" Ashton asked, a hopeful look on his face.

I realized that he was asking me out. I knew that my intentions were wrong, but I had a burning desire to try to make Ethan jealous.

I managed a smile. "I'd love to go with you," I nodded.

"Really? Uh, great, what time should I pick you up?"


"Okay, let's do it," Ashton grinned. He was obviously cute and likeable, but I felt guilty. I told myself to get over it. The Ethan thing was over, and Ash was a great guy. I could learn to like him.

We spent the remainder of the class period playing iMessage games. I found myself having fun with him. I almost didn't notice when Ethan ditched before the bell rang.

The bell finally rang, and I walked with Ash towards the parking lot. Along the way, we ran into Madeline.

"So, are you going tonight?" Madeline asked as she walked to my left, Ash on the right.

"Yeah," I nodded. "With Ash," I added.

Madeline's eyes got wide. "She's the girl you've been talking about?"

"Mads!" Ash began to blush.

"He's been talking nonstop about this girl,"

"Mads!" Ash cut her off, his face completely red.

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