21{The birth of storm pt 5}

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A month later

After I learned that I was pregnant, I didn't leave my room once, apart from getting food of course, or going off to the clinic. I was still shocked and I had no idea what to do.

Things have gotten weirder as well, my stomach has gotten slightly bigger and I've began to develop food cravings.

Many of my guildmates, especially Erza, has been worried about me. But I just told them it was a bug and the doctors told me to stay in bed for a while.

But I lied.

I sighed as I flicked through the pregnancy booklet the doctor gave me. I was new to everything and I still didn't understand a thing.

I looked down at my stomach.

8 months left...

I groaned.

I've also been getting cramps and morning sickness. Pregnancy was just like my monthly period. I placed my pregnancy guide book down, and turned to the picture on my night stand.

It was a picture of Gray.

I missed him...

I picked up the frame and just stared at the picture. Gray and the others were still on a mission, and according to Mira they had to extend their quest for an unknown reason, maybe because the enemy was very powerful.

I placed the frame back on the night stand and I decided to take a nap. As I was about to doze off, I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Who is it?" I asked as the door opened. It was Erza.


"Good news Juvia! Gray including everybody else is heading back to the guild soon," Erza said happily.

"W-wait...r-really?" I stuttered. Erza nodded.

"I thought their quest was extended for 2 more weeks," I croaked out.

"Oh no! Didn't you hear the news? They're arriving this evening and the whole guild is going to throw a huge party!" She smiled.

"You're going to join in too Juvia, you've been in your room for too long. You've gained weight and you became very lazy," She mumbled.

"Erza are you calling me fat?!" I felt my eyes water. I tried my best not to cry but I couldn't help it.

"What? I just meant that you need to keep fit, not become lazy," She said shaking her head.

"Oh" I sniffed wiping my eyes.

"You've became very sensitive lately, Juvia is everything alright?"

"Oh yes! You have nothing to worry about!"

"Hm...ok" She said raising her eyebrows and folding her arms. "I'll be back here soon, I want you to be dressed and ready for the party tonight, everyone in the guildhall is setting up," I nodded as she proceeded to leave my room.

I plopped myself back on my bed and sighed. Continuing to stare at the picture of Gray.

I had enough time to think of many ways to break the news to him, but I was just not ready. Gray and I just got into a relationship and I didn't want to ruin anything.

Him returning back from a mission wasn't the right time either.

Time was running out...

My stomach was getting bigger and I couldn't stay in my room forever.

I had to think quick

Excuse the mistakes

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