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I woke up to the sound of banging early in the morning...who could be knocking the door at this hour?

"Mommy, what's that noise?" Storm yawned whilst rubbing his eyes. "Don't worry honey go back to sleep" I reassured him before leaving our bedroom and walking over to the front door. Too tired to even ask who it was, I just decided to open the door. But I regretted it instantly when I came face to face with my landlord. 

"Juvia you're over 3 months late!" She grumbled throwing a note in my face."You better pay later today or you're gonna be kicked out!" She yelled. "I-I have a son please give me more time" I begged as I held the note in my hands looking down at it in horror.

"I gave you enough chances" She replied bluntly, turning her back to me. "B-bu-" Without giving me a chance to reply, she harshly slammed the door in my face. "Damn it!" I screamed in frustration.

After my short tantrum, I crouched down my wooden floor wrapping my legs together. I should've been going on more quests than hanging about in the guildhall. I thought to myself as my face became wet and soggy.

"Mommy? Are you okay" Storm rushed over to me as I quickly wiped my face, not wanting to show any signs of weakness in front of my son. "I'm fine," I mumbled giving him a reassuring look and trying my best to sound convincing. "Are you sure? You don't look alright to m-"

"Don't worry, just go back to sleep it's still early" I ruffled his hair and reached out to kiss his forehead.

"Ok," he yawned then traveled back into our bedroom, leaving me alone. As time went by,  I just sat there contemplating on what I should do. I couldn't ask Sting for money or Yukino or any of our guildmates. They've already done a lot for me...

Sighing, I headed back to bed deciding to forget about all my worries temporarily.


I woke up again and got Storm ready for school. After getting him cleaned and dressed, I prepared his breakfast and made sure he had everything he needed for today. I then did my daily routine and got ready for training.  After that, I fixed myself a cup of coffee and sat down thinking about how I'll have to pay this lady at the end of today. 

"Mommy are you stressed?" Storm randomly asked, catching me off guard. "N-no... why do you ask?" I stuttered. Damn it, this 5-year-old could see right through me. "Is it because of that scary lady this morning?" He curiously asked. "No! Stop asking silly questions and just finish your food" I scolded, trying to change the subject.

"Humph" He huffed then continued eating.

Sorry for lying and not being honest to you lately Storm, I'll make it up to you


"I can't wait for the magic games! Juvia isn't it exciting?" Yukino asked me whilst stretching.

"It's alright i suppose" I smiled thinking back on all the memories I had with all my former guildmates in the magic games...Gray

"I hope that we get to win this year! We've gotten stronger now"

"I don't really care about winning, I just want to show Storm how powerful I am"

It's been at least 5 years since I have last taken part in the Grand magic games. After moving, away from Magnolia and having Storm, I've never taken magic as serious as I used to. And Storm's never really had an opportunity to see me fight using my magic.

"Aw he'll be so amazed at how strong you are, that's why we're training today" She gave me a huge warm smile.

"Don't hold back Juvia! Come at me with everything you got" Yukino stood in battle position, and taking her celestial spirit keys out. "I won't," I said preparing to fight.

"Alright let's do this...OPEN GATE OF THE PAIRED FISH! PISCES"


We then charged at each other, promising to never hold back.


"You did well today Juvia! I'm so tired after all that training" Yukino yawned resting her head on the table.

"You didn't do so bad either Yuki" I said sipping my glass of water. We were currently at the bar in the guildhall, chilling with some of our guildmates and taking a break after all those long tiresome hours of training.

"You don't seem tired Juvia" Raito our guild's bartender said, laughing at me in amusement.

"It's not funny Raito! And it may not seem it but I actually am tired." I sighed copying Yukino and resting my head on the table.

"The magic games is stressing me out, I'm currently raising a 5-year-old boy alone. I have bills to pa- WAIT!" I suddenly slammed my fist against the table, remembering about my landlord.

"I have to go!"

"But Juvia doesn't Storm finish school at 5?" Raito sweatdropped.

"N-no i have to take care of something, oh and Yukino? Could you do me a favor and please pick up Storm later and keep him at your place for the night? That'll be very helpful ..see you guys!" I said dashing out of the guild.


Raito chuckled and shook his head.


NO NO NO NO NO! This can't be happening! I grabbed the notice which was attached to my front door.

"Dear Ms Lockser

I'm sorry to tell you this but you've been 3 months behind rent. I'm sorry it has come to this but you're no longer a resident of this apartment. I gave you enough chances hope you understand. I also hope you and your son will be able to find a place to stay...just not this apartment...unless you have the money."

I just scrunched up the paper then broke down crying. Where will I go? Will Storm be alright? Damn it I'm a terrible mother. I crouched down bawling my eyes out, not caring whether or not strangers had sympathetic looks on their faces...what am I going to do?

Sorry for not updating in a while, This was a long chapter but you guys deserve it <3

Please excuse the mistakes

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