18{The birth of Storm pt 2}

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"It was such an unpleasant day yet...Juvia-chan was treating it like a joyous anniversary" I mumbled as I cried to Erza.

"I really had no idea, what should I do?" I asked with tears blurring my eyes. Erza cleared her throat and sat down next to me on the park bench I was crouched up on.

After finding out about the anniversary of Gray's master's death, from then on I felt a huge tinge of guilt and I didn't have the confidence to face Gray.

"I'm sorry for putting you up to it," Erza said looking down also feeling guilty. "No this is Juvia's fault" I looked down trying to reassure her.

"And Juvia besides, it's just one day Gray isn't always going to be moody like he was today" Erza grinned.

"Huh?" I questioned looking up at her puzzled. "If lives were lost today, then today lives are also born. How important each and every day is, depends on how important it is to you." Erza said in a soft tone making me question her words. I looked at her with more tears filling my eyes, Erza just hugged me and reassured me and told me everything was going to be ok.


The next day~~

"Gray-sama!" I yelled from far across the guild, earning the grumpy male's attention. "Hm?" He asked walking over to me with hands in his pockets.

"Um...about yesterday...Juvia is sorry" I apologized whilst bowing. "Er...it was my fault, I was just pushing everyone away and only thinking about myself. That was disrespectful of me and I should've never treated a lady such as yourself like that. I'm sorry" Gray mumbled as a hint of pink filled his cheeks.

He was blushing?!

"A-as an apology, and since you don't like scarfs. I got you this!" I smiled giving him a very special gift, making his eyes widen.

"Here it is Gray-sama! A Juvia body pillow made especially just for you!" I giggled shoving the pillow in his face

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

"Here it is Gray-sama! A Juvia body pillow made especially just for you!" I giggled shoving the pillow in his face.

"WHY THE HELL WOULD I NEED THAT!" Gray yelled with a trail of blood dripping down from his nose.

"It's better than a scarf right?"

"Geez, what is wrong with you" Gray muttered as he wiped his nose with a handkerchief. "And just when I wanted to ask if you'd like to go out for lunch. You had to ruin the mome-" My eyes suddenly widened.

"YOU WANTED TO GO ON A DATE?!" I squealed as everyone in the guild turned to look at us.

"Be quite, you're so loud Juvia." Gray hushed. "And no it's not a date...I just wanted to treat you to lunch as an apology."

"It's a date! See you at 6" I waved at him before skipping away and making my way home to prepare for me and Gray-sama's special night.

"JUVIA I SAID LUNCH! NOT DINNER!" Gray called out. But I just ignored him.


Makeup? Check!
Hair? Check!
Outfit? Check!
Perfume? Check!
Handbag? Check!

I was all ready to go!

Looking in the mirror one last time, I left my dorm room and strolled down the streets of magnolia and made my way to one of Gray's favorite restaurants.

"It's so chilly, I should've brought a jacket" I mumbled. Without realizing, I suddenly bumped into a figure. "Oof, sorry" I apologized, but I was stopped when the figure grabbed my wrist.

"Hey what's going on?" I looked up confused to see some ugly buff dude. "You have some nerve bumping into me like that, little girl" The man snarled and his friends chuckled.

Whatever was going on, I had a bad feeling...

"I apologized, sorry sir I need to be on my way," I said trying to let go of his grip on my wrist but he wouldn't budge.

"Girls like you need to be punished," He said licking his lips. Ew

"Unhand me you ugly pig!" I yelled becoming more frustrated. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?" The man shouted.

"I SAID UNHAND ME YOU UGLY PIG!" I yelled. The man suddenly reached out to hit me and I shut my eyes preparing for the worst...until...

Nothing happened...



"I'm sorry, but you got some nerve...touching someone that doesn't belong to you," Gray said standing in front of me...where did he come from?!

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" The buff guy yelled getting in front of Gray's face, as Gray just stood there not flinching or blinking whatsoever. He's so cool!

"My identity is not important at the moment, what I want to know is what the hell are people like you doing in the middle of the night, trying to take and abuse a young lady like this one right here," Gray said referring to me.

"That's none of ya business punk!" The man yelled throwing a punch at Gray, but he dodged.

"Get out of my face you disgust me!" Gray said as ice began to cover his arms. What is he doing?

"Ice make! Ice punch!" (I don't know if this is one of Gray's spells😂😂😂) He yelled punching the buff guy, causing him to fly back. His friends all looked at Gray in disbelief. "You hurt the boss...GUYS LETS GET OUT OF HERE!" One of the guys yelled running and the rest of them followed behind lifting up their now damaged 'boss' before leaving.

"Cowards" Gray mumbled. And then he turned to face me. "Juvia, could you tell me what the hell is going on?"

"Thank you Gray-sama" I smiled and hugged him. "H-hey!" He stuttered. "If it wasn't for you, I don't know what would've happened to me" I smiled and he blushed.

"S-shut up, you should never wander these streets without a friend or someone who can accompany you!" He shouted. "And here wear this" He took off his leather jacket, putting it around me.

"There, now you won't feel cold"

"This jacket, it smells just like him" I mumbled sniffing it and enduring his scent. "Stop doing that! It's weird" He chuckled as I continued to sniff it. "I can't, it smells just like you" I giggled.

"Whatever" He muttered and interlocked our hands, which surprised me. "Let's just go to the restaurant and have something to eat" He lightly blushed.

"Yeah I'd like that"

Aww, this chapter was so cheesy and cute! I love it😍 thanks for reading❤

Excuse the mistakes💖

sᴛᴏʀᴍ❅||Gruvia story✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora