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Juvia's Pov

Damn it! How did this manage to happen? Now everyone's going to know where I was all these years. I carried on running all the way to my guildmates. When I finally arrived, I suddenly felt myself collapse. "Juvia!" I heard Yukino call out and rush over towards me, along with my other guildmates.

I was still in pain after the battle I had with Raven, every part of my body was aching and I felt dizzy as if I was going to faint. "Sting let's get her to the medical room-"

"JUVIA!!!" I heard Aiko shout. "Mommy!!!" I heard Storm scream. I looked up to see Riku looking at me worriedly. I gave them all a weak smile until I felt my eyes slowly close...


"Juvia" I felt a warm, wet rag on top of my forehead. My eyes fluttered open to see Aiko staring at me concerned. "Sweetie, are you doing ok?" Aiko looked at me sympathetically. "I-i'm fine thanks," I said reassuring her.

"W-where's Storm and Riku?" I asked looking around the room for him. "Don't worry Raito, Yukino and everyone else went back to the guild with him and Riku's waiting outside"

"How long have I been unconscious?"

"For about an hour"

Then that means the grand magic games, finished half an hour ago. I sat up on the bed and started putting on my boots. "Are you sure you're able to move?" Aiko asked.

"I'm fine, don't worry Aiko" I got up and made my way outside to suddenly be hugged by Riku. "You did amazing Juvia," He said making me blush. "T-thank you Rik" I mumbled.

I don't know why but today felt weird, seeing my guildmates again after 5 years...I couldn't stop thinking about Gray...even hugging Riku, it didn't feel right. Nah!! what am I saying?! Maybe it's because of that little girl hitting me too hard...

"C-come on Riku let's just go to the guild," I said letting go of him and linking my hand with his.


As soon as I set foot in the guild, I heard cheers. "Well done Juvia! You did so well" Yukino greeted me and gave me a hug. "You were so cool!"

"Your magic has improved!" I heard all my other guildmates say. "B-but I lost..." I mumbled looking down. "Don't worry about it Juvia, even though we definitely aren't going to win this year, just know we're proud of you" Sting smiled. Everyone else clapped and cheered.

"Mommy! You were so awesome! Your magic was amazing I wanna be a wizard just like you one day!" Storm ran up to me giving me a hug. I lifted him up and pecked his cheek. "Thank you darling"

And as for the rest of the evening, we all celebrated our battles in the grand magic games. Till it was time for Storm and I to get ready to go home.


"Bye, everyone!" I waved to all my friends before walking home. I walked hand in hand with Storm as we walked home silently. "Wanna grab a snack before going home Storm? My treat" He nodded happily. We walked to the nearest convenience store and I bought Storm a pack of candy. After that, we continued to walk home in peace.

"Are you doing ok Storm? You're awfully quiet I said but didn't get any reply. "Storm?" I looked around but Storm wasn't next to me...

Oh no...

"STORM!" I shouted looking around my surroundings, but there was no
5-year-old boy insight. H-how did he go missing? He was right next to me!

I went back to the convenience store and asked the shop keeper if they've seen him, but there was no luck. I left the shop and took out a picture from my pocket and asked random strangers if they've seen him but they shook their heads. I quickly rushed back to the guild and went up to Yukino and Sting.

"YUKINO! I-I CAN'T FIND STORM!" I panicked. "Wha? He's gone missing?! How did that manage to happen?!"

"I-i don't know," I said with my breathing starting to get out of control. "Calm down Juvia everything will be ok, he couldn't have gone that far let's go look for him," Yukino said running out of the guild as I followed. I can't bear to lose Storm he's everything to me! It's all my fault! I should've been watching him!!! It's currently night and it tends to be dangerous around these parts...if anything happens to him

I will never forgive myself

Thanks for reading! Hope you liked this chapter!!

Excuse the mistakes💖

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