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Juvia's Pov

After another couple of rounds and different tournaments, it was finally break time.

I was currently in the canteen getting myself something to eat, a lot has been on my mind since I stepped foot inside the Arena. I couldn't believe...FAIRY TAIL WERE TAKING PART IN THE GRAND MAGIC GAMES THIS YEAR!

What also had me very worried was that there was a high chance of me fighting in the next round after the break. After receiving my food I sat at an empty table.

I should stop worrying, even if anybody from fairy tail notices me its not a big deal anyway. I quitted Fairy tail a long time ago and now I'm a member of Sabertooth. Fairy tail will forever be in the past along with my old memories.

As i sat alone at the table I began eating my food, a thousand thoughts kept running through my mind...but my thoughts all disappeared once I saw...him...

I quickly hid my face trying my hardest not to get noticed.

"COME ON LUCE! HURRY UP I'M STARVING!!" I suddenly heard a familiar voice say, which startled me. "Do you always have to shout Natsu!" I heard another familiar voice scold. "But Luceeeeeee"

"No buts Natsu! Let's walk ahead Nashi" I looked up to see a blonde lady holding hands with a little pink-haired girl. W-was that Lucy and Natsu? B-but who else was that with them?



"Y-your p-probably just imagining things honey"

"Nah that was definitely Juvia!"

"HAHAHA DADDY LOST!" I heard children giggle.


"Calm down Gajeel, why don't we all just go and order something to eat, how about that?" Levy said in a soft gentle tone. "YAY!" The children cheered."Whatever"Gajeel sulked walking alongside them.

Did I just see G-Gajeel and L-levy...but who were those kids...

"Come on guys lets sit over here!" I heard Natsu shout, and other people started sitting at the table behind. Crap!

This time I looked down, trying my best to cover my face and to not be recognized. 

"Hey, Luce?!"

"What Natsu?"

"Do you smell that?"

"What is it this time?"

"It's the same smell from the arena. It's so familiar but i can't tell who or what's scent it is"


I should've left sooner! I forgot Natsu's great sense of smell. Desperately, I got up from my chair and I quickly made my way to the exit of the canteen.  I was doing well with getting away from my former guildmates unnoticed until I accidentally bumped into someone. Way to go Juvia...

"I'm so sorry!" I said picking up the stranger's things.

"You should watch where the hell your going!" He snapped. B-but that voice...

It was him...

My blue orbs locked with his dark empty eyes. There was something very different about him. "I-i'm s-sorry" I hid my face then ran as fast as I could away from him. CRAP! I hope he didn't see my face...

Gray's Pov

"Gray what took you so long!" 

That woman. There was something familiar about her. Her hair, her eyes, her voice? no, it couldn't be who I think it is...

"GRAY!" Natsu yelled snapping me from my trance. "Oh, yeah?" I mumbled facing him. "What's up with you Gray? You don't look so good" Lucy asked looking at me concerned. "Uncle Gray never looks good! He's always depressed and grumpy! Hahaha, he's like an old man!"

"BAHAHAHA" Natsu burst out laughing at his little brat's input. "That's not very nice of you Nashi! And you shouldn't laugh too Natsu! You two Apologize" Lucy folded her arms staring them angrily.



Lucy just shook her head in disappointment as I just rolled my eyes and sat at an empty table away from Natsu and the others. Children are so annoying. The whole time I ate my meal my mind wondered about that girl from earlier. It was so weird, there was something odd and very familiar about her that I was definitely going to the of.

Thanks for reading! Sorry i Haven't updated in a while xxx

Excuse the mistakes💖

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