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"Including Storm..."

Those words continued to play around in my head, how could Yukino do this to me.

I started to break down crying whilst the guild fell silent. All eyes were on me and I felt weak, I was a failure, a woman who kept running from her damn problems and not having the courage to face them on her own.

"M-momma" Storm said worriedly as he tugged on my dress. I just wiped my tears and picked him up in my arms, kissing him on the cheek. "I love you so much Storm, remember that" I whispered. Taking a deep breath in, I turned towards my old friends.


"JUVIA!!!" Gajeel pushed past the people in the way along with Panther Lily and they both gave me a big hug.

"I MISSED YOU! HOW COULD YOU LEAVE US ALL LIKE THAT!" Gajeel and Lily cried with tears in their eyes. I just giggled at how dramatic they were being.

"Juvia! I'm sorry about them, they could be big babies at times" Levy facepalmed slightly embarrassed. "Don't be" I chuckled as Levy smiled. Levy was holding 2 children in her arms, and I also couldn't help to notice the round bump on her stomach.

"Levy are those your children? They look a lot like you and Gajeel! And you're pregnant?!!!" I  bombarded her with questions, causing Levy to look down and blush.

"Yes I'm expecting a baby girl soon, and I'd like you to meet my twins, Testu and Revy"

"Aww they're so adorable," I said ruffling their hair, Revy gave me a smile and Testu just bit me.

"I'm so sorry, he's aggressive just like his father!" Levy apologized again. I reassured her and introduced them all to Storm. As Gajeel held Storm, I looked around at all my former guildmates, a lot has changed. Everybody were parents now and a one big happy family.

I regret leaving the guild, if I didn't run away, then I wouldn't be craving for happiness. Yukino's right I'm not really happy. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to see Natsu, Lucy, their daughter Nashi, Gray and Erza. "We have to talk," Natsu said clenching his fist together. "Yeah," I said looking down.



"Agreed, Juvia-chan why did you leave?" Wendy asked quite upset. "We all missed you, sweetie," Carla said. "Your teammates have as well," Mirajane said walking towards us along with Laxus, Cana and everybody else in my team. Being surrounded by all my former guildmates and being an emotional mess, I continued to cry.

"I MISSED YOU AS WELL" First master Mavis came running in and giving me a big hug.

"Aww is this your son?! He looks exactly like you and Gray" She said as she took Storm from Gajeel. I looked down as everybody looked at me for answers. Breathing in and out, I managed to open my mouth."I take it Yukino told you everything about Storm?" I took Storm from Mavis and they all nodded as Gray stepped out to walk towards me.

"So this is my son?" Gray asked as he looked at me and Storm coldly. "Y-yes, I said looking down. Storm rubbed his eyes and looked up at Gray. His eyes then suddenly widened.

"Gray!" He squealed happily. "Mommy this is the guy I've been telling you about he's so cool!" Everyone looked around shocked, whilst Gray just stood there awkwardly as he sweat-dropped.

"Yes indeed he is, Storm" I smiled whilst wiping my tears. "Mommy is he your friend?! I wanna be his friend too" Storm beamed innocently.

"Something like that, and you know what's even better Storm"

"What?" He asked curiously.

"He's not only your friend, but he's also your father"

I always keep leaving this story on Cliffhangers😂😂😂 I'M SORRY!! I hope you liked this update (*'∀'*)

Excuse the mistakes💖

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