20{The birth of storm pt 4}

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A week later~~

"You seem to be in an awfully good mood Juvia-chan," Erza said smiling at me as we both walked inside the guild.

I just giggled as Erza looked over to me. It's been a week since Gray-sama asked me out and I've been getting butterflies ever since.

"Yes I'm very happy," I blushed thinking back on Gray and I's intimate night.

"Oh?" Erza raised her eyebrows and smirked. "So perhaps you and Gray's date went well?"

"I'll tell you everything! Let's just go over to Mira," I said grabbing her wrist and heading over to the bar.


"So Gray finally had the balls to ask you out,"Mira chuckled in amusement. "I'm actually surprised he's gotten close to you Juvia-chan," she said as she got out a strawberry cake for all of us to share.

"H-hey what do you mean?" I stuttered as Erza sighed. "Gray's never been confident in telling others his feelings. He's not an easy person to read or understand,"

"I'm glad someone like you is making him open up a little. It seems to me that you're the only one in the guild who's closest to him" She said as I stared at her wide-eyed.

Me? I'm the only one closest to Gray?

"Especially on the anniversary of his Master's death. You're the only person I know who managed to talk to him, not even Lyon could do that,"

I stared at Erza shocked.

"You must be very special to him Juvia," Mira smiled as she sliced the cake. And I just looked down blushing.

"Special to him...huh?"

"Eat up girls," Mira sang as she placed cake slices in front of us. "Mhmm yummy," Erza hummed as she dug in.

"Thanks, Mira-chan," I said before picking up my spoon and eating the cake. But as soon as I ate one spoonful of the cake, I started to feel nauseous.

"Is everything ok Juvia?" Erza asked as she suspected my change of mood. "I don't feel so good," I mumbled.

Erza looked over to Mira and she nodded knowing what to do. Mira fetched a bucket and placed it right in front of me and I began to puke out everything I had eaten today. Erza held my hair and Mira rubbed my back for support.

"Mira, what was in that cake?" Erza asked.

"Hm... I added sugar, butter, flour, vanilla, eggs, and strawberries. Was there anything you were allergic to in that cake Juvia-chan?" Mira asked as she looked down at me sympathetically. I shook my head.

"That's odd,"

"Should we get a doctor? maybe Wendy can help"

"Wendy is out on a quest with Natsu, Gray, and Lucy. They'll be away for a week and they're miles away," Erza sighed.

"Don't worry guys," I spoke up. "I'll be fine"

"Are you sure?" They both asked in unison. "No worries I just need to get some rest."

"Okay, we'll be in the guild if you need anything," I nodded heading over to my dorm and getting some rest.


I woke up from my sleep. I was panting and my head was hurting.

What's wrong with me?

My thoughts were interrupted when I had the sudden urge to vomit again. I rushed to the bathroom and puked everything I could. I then flushed the toilet and washed my hands, face and brushed my teeth.

sᴛᴏʀᴍ❅||Gruvia story✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें