As Ms.Mornoffa was introducing herself and today's lesson Peter pulled put his phone.

Peter Parkour Created Groupchat

Peter Parkour Renamed GroupChat Hijackers

Peter Parkour Added: Mama Spider To Hijackers

Peter Parkour: Really Nat? Hijacking my english class

Ms.Mornoffa went to her desk. "Alright class. Do the work your teacher gave you. If you have any questions raise your hand and i will answer you." Ms.M then went to her desk and pulled out a book. With Peters enchanced eyesight he could see the light from her phone. He smirked.

Mama Spider: You didn't think we would let you suffer on your own would we?

Peter Parkour: We?

Mama Spider: You'll see.

When the bell rang peter met up with ned and MJ so that they could go to chemistry together. When they got there they saw another sub. "Whats up with all the subs?" MJ asked. Me and Ned just shrugged. "Hello class I am Professor Yadav and Today you guys will be studying for Fridays Test. Any questions? No? Alright get to work."

Peter Parkour added Strange Wizard to the Chat

Peter Parkour: Not you too

Strange Wizard: She did say we didn't she?

Mama Spider: How do your teachers deal with you guys nonsense?

Strange Wizard: Yeah i cant take it

Peter Parkour: Why do you think the principal had to give us warning before our first class

Mama Spider: I thought he was just trying to make himself look involved

Peter Parkour: That too

Before anyone else could say anything else they were off to peters next class. Gym. When he got there he saw clint not even in disguise and shuri in a sort of disguise. They toldthe class that they just had to do 50 laps around the gym 50 pushups and 100 situps and then they were free to use their phones and do whatever as long as it was appropriate and looked school related.

Peter was done in a half an hour. He would hve been done sooner but he was trying to make it look like he didn't have super powers. Once he was done flash just had to come over. "Hey Penis. How are you done so fast huh? Did you cheat?" Peter didn't answer.

Flash then made the mistake of pushing peter. Shuri came over and said with her fake british accent. "Excuse me Mr. Thomson, I don't know what your other teachers may have tolerated but we don't tolerate bullying. Thats a months worth of detention. If we cath you bullying Mr.Parker again that will be a weeks suspension."

Flash looked dumbfounded. "But you can't do that. I'll tell my parents to stop funding the school." He tried. That always worked with the other teachers beause they didn't want to be the reason the school lost its main contributer. "Go ahead. Tell them. We know people who can fund the school double of what your parents do." Clint backfired.

Flash just grumbled and walked away. "Thank you Mr.Johnson and Ms.Carver." They walked away to sit down and peter took out his phone.

Peter Parkour added Birdbarin to Hijackers

Peter Parkour added Meme Queen to Hijackers

Peter Parkour added Metal Elsa to Hijackers

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