13| Dull-ish Days II.

Start from the beginning


Met's voice was sharp and firm, silencing Sean with the one syllable that was his name. It was even laced with concern. But that shouldn't make sense, Met wasn't this type of person, a backstabbing prick even if he told himself that every single day. Deep down he knew it wasn't true.

Sean had always thought that when this moment came—if it ever did—he would look Met in the eye and give him a piece of his mind, just not sound so fucking hopeless. He'd played the scenario so many times in his head, and he was always destroying Met with his words then walking away strong. But now, all the pain and emotions he'd suppressed came up on the surface, and he was the one struggling not to be pushed under.

"I understand that there's something really wrong here, what you're saying—it's not making any sense. Let's do this the right way. Tell me what happened that day, tell me your side of the story, and I'll tell you mine, please?"

Sean did not know what his face was doing because Met suddenly added, "I just need us to be in the clear, I'll keep out of your life after this if you want, just, let's get it over with."

"Fine, no problem. While I waited for you to join me in the car, waited for the good news that was supposed to shape our future, I received a message. A message thanking me for offering up my part of our to-be-company. My fifty percent gone, just like that. There was even a picture attached to it, a contract that confirmed you were the legal owner and had signed it all away to this anonymous person. I guessed it was the number that had texted me," Sean hated this, he was getting to the part he hated the most.

"I tried to call you immediately because obviously something was wrong, it went straight to voicemail, I didn't want to overthink it because you'd explain, you'd give me a reason for the mind fuckery I was having at the moment, but you had just vanished, you weren't there. I got to your apartment and you were gone, with all your things, it was clean and empty, you had disappeared, for whatever reason, you had screwed me over, you left me... just like that Met, like I meant nothing to you. I started off Skyward on my own, just to prove to myself that I could do anything by myself and I didn't need you for it, somehow it was a success," as much as he hated to bring it up, he had to get it out, at a cost of course.
The old feelings came back like he was reliving the day, loss, hurt, betrayal among them.

"Of course it was a success, you're way too smart to fail," Met mumbled mostly to himself but Sean had caught it.

His hands were shaking slightly now, mostly from talking about the worst day of his life. He'd been harboring all the feelings for so long and now, it was like he'd been cut open.

Met was furiously shaking his head. "And no, no such thing happened! I didn't leave, you have no idea—"

"You think I have the time to make up
something like this?"

"Not quite but–"

"What do you mean 'not quite'?!"

"Just hear me out, the meeting took a way shorter time to adjourn than I'd thought, and then I got a text from you, it said to meet you at our favorite diner, you apologized for not picking me up because there was something urgent you had to take care of first and then we'd celebrate. And so I did, I took a cab and went to wait for you, I waited for three frustrating hours, trying fruitlessly to call you in between, you never picked and I got so worried I rushed to your place to check if you were there, no other place came to mind," Sean thought he was taking all this rather well. What the fuck was Met talking about?!

"I called you once more and it went straight to voicemail, I ignored that for the moment and tried to get in but you had changed the locks, the key didn't work. I don't know how loud I banged at your door but it had your neighbor coming out, I'd never seen her before but she told me about an hour ago, you had left with bags, you'd told her you were traveling for a few days when she asked you," Met paused like to continue meant to hurt.

Power Play [BxBxB]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara