You and Me, Outside//Robbin Crosby

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Ah I truly did love the benefits of being engaged to a rock n roll star, I mean the night life was sensational! Tonight Robbin and I were at the mansion party his friend and bandmate Stephen was hosting. I myself had slipped upstairs and out to the balcony to get some fresh air and maybe sober up some.

I leaned against the balcony and looked at the city as someone else had also come to look at the sight. It was another music man. "Hi, I saw you downstairs and thought you might like some company." The man said as I turned around and smiled, still on my champagne buzz. "Hey I know who you are! You're that new kid on the scene....jon right?" I smiled and faced him. "Yeah...I got dragged here by my friend, but it's quite boring when you don't know anybody." He chuckled and we started to flirt.

"I know the feeling....but since everyone else is busy," I leaned against the wall and put his hands on my hips to hold him close against me then smirked. "Why don't we get to know each other a little bit better?..." I kissed him once in a soft but sultry way. "Hey don't you have a husband or something??" Jon broke the kiss. "Don't you have a girlfriend or something?" I smirked and he shrugged then reconnected the kiss.

That's when I looked up and saw him. I immediately pushed Jon off of me. "Robbin!!" I gasped in shock. "It's not like it seems, Jon and I were..." Robbin cut me off. "Just 'getting to know each other' uh huh. You and me outside, now!" Robbin crossed his arms and I hung my head low as we walked back through the party to the outside of the front yard of the mansion.

"What the fuck is with you?!" He yelled as we got to where our car was parked. "What do you mean?! I'm just trying to party!" I scoffed. "No you're downing champagne like it's water and trying to FUCK every dude that comes by!" Robbin crosses his arms. "Well it's not like you're not downstairs blowing lines and getting a handful of ass!" I yelled suddenly starting to get angry and emotional. "Well maybe if you'd stay downstairs with me at the party I'd be talking with you and we'd be having fun together, enjoying the party instead of getting fucked up!" He threw his arms up. 

I looked down and got in the car. "I'd like to go home now please...." I said softly. Robbin kicked the tire and got in the car too. "Fine." He said angrily and began to drive. "Stop the car!" I screamed as a deer ran out in front of us. Robbin steered the car and slammed on the breaks...we skidded out sideways.

We both looked at each other panting and the incident had sobered us up and made us realize what could've happened. "Robbin I'm sorry! I'm sorry for embarrassing you tonight and kissing Jon, I know it was bad but I promise nothing even close to it will ever happen again. I love you!" I said getting teary at the thought that I could've lost my husband to be before he was even my husband.

"You don't embarrass me, I love when you get a little crazy...I just want to be a part of your crazy. I get sad when you run off and leave me like that. And about jon....don't worry about it. You know I once made a mistake too like that.....but c'mon you and I are meant to be!" Robbin smiled and picked up my chin. "You mean that?" I smiled softly at him. "Of course I do...I love you too." Robbin kissed me deeply.

I kissed Robbin back passionately and hotly. He pulled me into his lap in response...we both had the same idea and since we were already in the middle of no where, what's the harm in being a little crazy together?....

Robbin took off my dress and underclothes followed by his own then laid me down in the front seat of his car. I caressed his cheek and kissed the corner of his lip. "I never want to lose you." His eyes sparked when you really looked at them. "And you never will..." Robbin kissed me fully and entered me.

He held me close as he thrust deeply, but slowly into me. I bit my lip and ran my fingers up and down his back earning a moan from him. Robbin kissed the base of my throat as I began to roll my hips with his thrust and it was perfect! Soon I became a moaning mess and tugged at his hair as I came hard. In a few more sloppy, but passionate thirst, Robbin came too with a smile and a kiss on my cheek....he always was sweet.

Neither of us had the energy to get dressed or drive home that night, so instead we got a blanket from the back and wrapped ourselves together in it. The next morning we decided we didn't want to spend another moment without each other we went to a small chapel on the way home and became Mr and Mrs Robbin Crosby!

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