20{The birth of storm pt 4}

Start from the beginning

I stared at the mirror and there were eyebags under my eyes. I looked terrible. After I was done in the bathroom, I placed on my boots deciding to head out. The sun was setting and the doctors were still opened.

I needed to know what was wrong with me.

I walked out of the guildhall and walked down the streets of Magnolia, arriving at my destination.

Magnolia clinic


"Hello, ma'am are you here to book an appointment?" A lady at the desk asked as I nodded. "Ok, please fill out this form and we'll get back to you shortly," I nodded obeying as the lady said.

Once I was done with filling out my basic information on the sheet, she took the paper and left the room returning 5 minutes later.

"Please take a seat and you'll be called out for your appointment soon,"

I did as I as told and made my way to the waiting room, which was filled with a few other people. There were children and a pregnant lady in the corner of the room but I paid no mind to them. All I was focused on was figuring out what in the world was wrong with me.

After moments of sitting quietly in the waiting rooms, my name was finally called for the beginning of my appointment. I gulped getting up from my seat and I felt my heartbeat increase.


"Hello, miss Lockser! What seems to be the issue today?" The doctor asked as she got out her equipment.

"I-I've been vomiting lately and feeling very dizzy," I stuttered anxiously.

"Hm..." The doctor hummed as she felt my temperature and inspected me. "It seems you don't have any signs of infections," She said causing me to sigh in relief.

"But I'm very positive you have something else,"

Oh crap


"I can't be 100% sure. But could you answer me a few questions if you don't mind?" She asked.


"Ok, so have you been sexually active in the last 7 days?" I gulped. "Yes..." I choked out.

"So how many times have you had sex?"

"Once," I said looking down uncomfortably. "Hm ok," she said as she wrote something down in her note pad.

She walked over to her cupboard and grabbed a stick. "What is that?" I asked confused.

"You've had sex and you don't know what this is?" The doctor asked shocked. "You must've been a first-timer or a very innocent person," she chuckled.

"This madam...is a pregnancy stick," She smiled giving it to me.

"P-preg..s-stick?" I felt my heartbeat stop.

"Yes! I'd like you to pee on it. If it shows a cross then you're positive,"

"S-so I-i might be pregnant?" I gasped. "Yes ma'am," The doctor said. I took the stick from her with no words and made my way to the bathroom.

I did what she had told me. When I was done, I looked at the stick...

And I couldn't believe my eyes...

There was a cross

I washed my hands and then returned to the doctor. "So...what does the test say?" She asked.

"There's a cross and I'm positive," I froze looking down at the floor. "Congratulations!" the doctor said happily as I didn't say a word. I felt light-headed.

I felt sick

This has got to be a dream

"Um Miss Lockser...you look a little pale," the doctor said breaking the silence. "It's broken,"


"The stick is broken!" I yelled as tears streamed down my cheeks. "What do you mean?"

"I'm not pregnant," I sniffed. "Something's wrong,"

"Did you use protection whilst having sex?" The doctor asked as I continued to sniff.

"What's protection?"

The doctor looked at me shocked. "Did you not have the whole sex talk?!" She yelled as I glared at her in confusion. The doctor sighed.

"You have no freaking clue what I'm saying do you?" I shook my head.

The doctor beckoned me to sit next to her and then she explained everything to me.

"So that missy is everything you need to know about sex," She said as I continued to cry. "It's ok, you can always get an abortion, but I would recommend adoption instead," She insisted.

"It's fine, I don't want to kill my unborn baby. And I don't want to ever give up my child." I said wiping my tears. "I'll figure something out" I smiled at her.

"You sure?" I nodded as she smiled at me.

"I hope everything goes well for you Miss Lockser, good luck." before I left, she gave me some pregnancy supplies and even a book on advice.

It was nightfall now and snow was falling. I travelled home still in thought of my day.

I'm pregnant...But

What's going to happen when I have to face and explain myself to Gray?

Excuse the mistakes

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