Chapter 33-And There Was The Exchange

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with a crown above it 🥺

The night was coming to a close and everybody was leaving the ball. Royals filed out of the rooms, and the smell of the ball started to fade. As I looked outside, carriages of all different sizes were lined up to take the Royals home. Many of them were from different countries with bright colors and different metals.

I rushed up the grand marble steps to Henry's room, ready to change out of the huge dress. I changed  into a slip with a silk night robe over it and sighed in content. Henry walked in a few minutes later, falling over and needing Hazalen's support.

Henry very loudly said," Oh Annalise- you aren't wearing tha-t to see the Prince, right? Men only wa-nt what they can't have!" He laughed, drunk as could be.

"You need to get to sleep, Henry. Your dad saw you stumbling up the steps and you've had a long night,"She rolled her eyes. Once Henry was put on the bed, he wouldn't move. As if he passed out immediately.

"Are you alright?"

"Did he fall asleep?" I ask, shaking him,"Should we change him?"

"We can't have him on his back, what if he throws up?" Hazalen asks, both of us freaking out.

"Turn him over, I'll grab a bucket."

"Got you!" Henry sits up quickly, scaring us both to gasp.

Hazalen smacked his leg, causing him to cry out,"You are such a child! Now change before we have to do it ourselves."

"No, because Annalise needs to see the Prince. They have to give eachother their gifts and kiss under the Mesgra! She doesn't have time to-"

"Henry, mesgra is a drug people smoke."

"Besides the point!" He pointed at me.

"He is right though you know, you need to go see the Prince before it's too late. You don't want to keep royalty waiting, they get impatient." Hazalen smiled at me. We all look at the paining propped up on the bed, and I give a nervous sigh.

"He's going to love it, Annalise. You got his eyes just right." Henry exclaimed with a daze.

"I don't think I'd ever be able to get his eyes right. They change to his every emotion." I sighed in frustration.

Would it be enough?

"You've got this girl!" Henry and Hazalen cheer me on.

"Your right, I've got this!" I take the painting and storm out the door to their cheering. As I close the door with my newfound confidence, a body rams into me.

Nope, don't got it.



Oh boy.

"Thank goodness it's you, I wanted to thank you." He plastered a smile on his face, but it look mastered. Almost as if he's flirted so many times he's realized what girls like to see.

"Whatever could it be about?"

"For saving me from Isabelle. After you told her off, she left me alone for the rest of the night. She's been on my tail for a week now and I think you've finally cut it off," he chuckled.

"You're so welcome, I've been wanting to do that for a very long time." I smiled to his laughter. He really wasn't a bad guy, just a flirt of sorts.

But that's what they all say.

"I saw you danced with the Prince a lot tonight."

"So you were watching me?" I arched a eyebrow.

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