Chapter 31- And There Was A Visit From The King

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Damien's POV is right after her's! You are welcome :)

"So, what gift have you thought about getting Damien?" Hazalen and I walked through the market, looking at various bazaars selling knick knacks.

"Who said I was getting one for Damien? What if I was getting one for you!" I blushed. Hazalen gave me a pointed look.

During Blackberry Day, everybody gives one gift to the person most special in their life, or somebody they show great interest in. It's a grand gesture, being you only give one gift to a person outside of your relatives.

"Fine, I'm getting Damien a gift. I need your help Hazalen, what do I get a Prince that already has everything!" I groaned out.

So what do you get somebody who can have anything in the first place?

"You know what I think?"

"Hit me with it."

"What made you interesting in the first place, was just you, Annalise. He couldn't have you."


"What do you mean, and! You should give him something original, something straight from Annalise Woods. He can't get that anywhere in the world, I'll tell you that much. I don't think you should be stuck on buying something anymore."

She was right.

"Something from me... Hazlaen, you are brilliant!" I hugged her tight and ran to the paint section of the market.

"Blackberries everywhere, Damien! You know, your mother's favorite-"

"Fruit, yes I know." I curtly responded to Raina, our planner for every event; I wanted to halt the topic. Blackberry season was a reminder of my mother: today she had been presumed dead, six years ago.

That year for BlackBerry day my mother had graced me with a grand piano. When I arrived in my room that night, there was a letter she wrote before she was assassinated.

She confessed she didn't need a Blackberry gift to anybody, because I was her best friend. That she would protect me at all costs and her motherly love for me was never-ending; I was the best thing that had ever happened to her and my father.

That I was a product of true love.

After I realized she couldn't protect me anymore, I had to become my own defense. I trained to become mentally and physically stronger, and I built my own wall up so high that nothing could break me down.

My father also pushed me away, realizing he had to create his own defense as well. He drowned himself in his work and never seemed to snap out of it.

"Your mother always loved helping me set up for the ball. This was her favorite time of the year, so she had to make sure everything was perfect," Raina smiled as she watched the workers place berries in the wreaths.

I looked at her emotionless, wondering how she was able to keep a smile on her face while thinking about my mother.

"Take that mask off your face, boy! This isn't a masquerade ball, it's Blackberry season! And now it's time for you to get to work," she pulled me along to the tables, obviously needing labor work.

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