Chapter 6- And There Was A Very Close Encounter

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"You know he's the one that invited you to the ball right? He's testing you, Annalise." Hazalen took a long sip of her peach tea. We were eating lunch in the courtyard, along with many other students.

"I don't know what to do. Should I go to the ball? It seems everywhere I go I cause drama." I throw my hands around, aggravated.

"Go to the ball! That's a once and a lifetime chance. Not just anybody gets invited to go to a ball hosted by a Prince. Only a handful of people truly get invited; the nobles are a guaranteed invite, I wouldn't even count them on the list. Yet the other handful of people are selected by Damien."

"I have a feeling something bad will happen."

"Just go." I turn my head to see Veronica walking up towards us with her lunch in her hand,"Take the chance. It might be the only time you can walk through the halls of a castle." Veronica sat right in-between us on the grassy floor, making Hazalen and I scoot over. Hazalen eyed her warily as I narrowed my eyes at her in confusion.

"Hey, I just want to have lunch with two nice girls. Is that so bad?" She played the guilty card very easily. Hazalen gave me a "do not trust this person she is fake" kind of look.

"Why don't you just run back to Isabelle? Why do you want to hang out with us?" Hazalen rolled her hazel eyes.

Veronica heaved a long sigh,"She's been trying to treat me like a pawn lately. I'm so tired of her at this point, especially after she made Landon break up with you. The whole school may be fooled, but I'm not."

My eyebrows knit together,"What is she talking about Hazalen?"

She cleared her throat,"Carry on, Veronica."

"I'm just so tired of her ordering me around. As if she is already the queen of Deltora for gods sake. Just because she's messed around with the Prince a few times, doesn't mean she's got a huge diamond ring on her hand." Veronica rolled her eyes and opened her lunch. I looked to the left of me, a little uncomfortable with the matter. This girl was just so open.

"She will never become the queen. Damien just uses her as a bootie call." Hazalen lazily replies, agreeing with her.

"Who even knows. But Annalise, like I said before, don't trust him. Just go for the experience of the ball. You don't have to talk to him, enjoy getting dressed up and seeing the inside of a castle." Veronica pressed me.

"I might, but I don't know for sure. I just wish one of you were there."

"Well, we are not his next target- you are. "

Hazalen agrees,"I think she is right, stay away from him. He really just needs to-"

"Annalise, I need to talk to you. Right now," Damien's angry face looms right behind me.

Speak of the devil.

I gulp and look at Veronica and Hazalen for support. Both were bewildered, hoping he didn't hear our entire conversation about how I should be staying away from him.

Anger was written all over his face as he gruffed out," I said now, Annalise. Get up."

"What? No, Damien. I'm not-" I gasped as he grabbed my forearm and pulled me off the ground. My mouth was gaping open as he started to haul me off to some random place.

"Hey, bring her back here!" Hazalen yelled across the school front lawn, receiving a few stares.

"Just give me a minute!" He yelled back in anger, his eyes holding rage as his hand was locked firmly around my arm. We were wandering the halls for a minute, which felt like a million years. My heart beat was pounding like I had jumped off a building into nothingness, never ending.

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