Chapter 24- And There Was The Promise

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As soon as I saw Annalise hit the dewy grass, I was already in a sprint. I crouched down beside her, and felt my eyebrow twitching.

That only happens when I'm really mad.

Damien was already there, cradling her and smoothing away her silent tears. The class made a small circle around us as worried chatter filled the air.

Everybody saw the hit, and it did not look like it was pleasant. But most of all... it seemed deliberate. The person was going for the body and definitely not the ball.

"It's gonna be alright. Just stay awake Annalise, please," Damien's soft voice resonated, the softest I've ever heard him speak,"Come on baby, just open your eyes." And though he was trying to stay calm, anybody could see he slowly cracking. We were all worried, wether you knew Annalise or not.

Damien shifted his hand's stance on her hair; but as he lifted it, it was coated with splotches of blood. "Well shit, Annalise." He muttered out. Gasps were heard as the sight was seen. He easily gathered her in his arms, and took off to the school.

Now I was literally and figuratively seeing red.

"What is wrong with you, Isabelle!" I scolded her. No, yelled would be a better word for it.

"I don't know what you mean, Hazalen. I was just playing a game." She stood innocently, arms across her body, making her seem smaller. A small smirk was pulling her lip up to the right.

Isn't she always playing games?

"What has Annalise done to you to deserve all this? Just because the prince shows interest in her, you try to ruin her life? All because of something you could never have," My eyebrows were pointed. The circle that once surrounded Annalise now wrapped around us to watch the show.

"I could say the same about Landon... such a shame he moved on so quickly. Guess he got too bored of you," she didn't hide her smirk anymore.

I couldn't help feel a large drop in my heart with the mention of his name. She just exposed me to all those people.

"You bitch! Don't bring him into this! Just like how you brought Veronica to do all your dirty work. You really think that helped your situation? Damien doesn't care about your little minions, or you Isabelle. Nor will he ever." I was seething with rage.

"That's funny! Because your ex-boyfriend became one of them once I -" Before she could finish her sentence, my palm met the side of her face.

"You little-" she reached out and attacked me, her full claws she called a manicure met my hair.

"Stop this!" A force came between us.

I knew that voice all to well.

"Leave her alone, Isabelle. Just go away." His stern voice gave me chills. All I could see was his backside, yet I froze up. Memories resurfaced as I gazed at his dirty blonde hair, long neck. Lean but soft torso, legs I was tangled up in many times before.

"That bitch attacked me first! You peasant, get off! Or should I can-"

"Just shut up Isabelle, we've all had enough of you today." Landon looked over for just a second, but it felt like years. We haven't dared to look at each other since "it" happened. This was the closest we've been since...

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