Chapter 8-And There Was The Beginning of Friendship

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The days at school were passing by more quickly. I would finish my first periods in a breeze, eat lunch with Veronica and Hazalen then go to my last periods. At the end of the day I was left with my special class. Either dance which involved my one friend Hazalen, or music.

Sadly both involving Damien.

Every day I had to see Damien, twice. It would be more be bearable if I had a friend in music, but unfortunately I only had dear Carey!

All she would blabber about is people and their problems. She was nice... but not when she gossiped about others non-stop. It was rude, and at times I wanted to flat-out tell her that she needed to stop talking about other's problems and focus on her own.

Mine was Damien.

All-throughout the past three days I could feel his burning gaze. His longing glances. I couldn't help but return them when he had no idea.

Yet every single time I would look away, it was as if he did know. Because it was then I would feel his gaze on me yet again.

I couldn't look back again. I can't face his intense eyes, making me want to relay everything I have kept hidden.

His eyes do that to me.

He does that to me.

And I don't quite know why yet.

It was a silly game we were playing. He knew that if he spoke up, I would retreat. So he would sit there, observing. Because if he didn't make a move, I wouldn't either.

Sometimes standing still was better than one step back.

"Hey, A! Look at me. Look-" she was snapping in front of my face, my thoughts dissipating.

"I can hear you loud and clear, Veronica." I rolled my eyes playfully. It was my second official Monday lunch at school, and Hazalen and Veronica decided to celebrate it with me.

Not like it was another special lunch anyway.

"Your head has been in the clouds recently, Annalise. I'm just worried about you." Veronica expressed, taking a bite out of her usual turkey sandwich.

"I agree, the last few days you have been distant." Hazalen sipped her peach tea dismissively.

"I've only known you two for about a week and you have latched on to me already." I smiled to myself, happiness flooding my chest. Friends are such amazing treasures. They are people who don't care to give you their time because they actually enjoy it. They don't stick around because they have to, it's because they want your time.

Now that's something special.

When somebody wants your time, let them have it. You won't always come across people like that.

Welcome it.

"Annalise, why wouldn't we? We are your best friends. Your like my long lost, wise aunt who I cherish like a sister." Hazalen retorted.

"Why not just sister?"

"Because a sister of mine would be stupid like me. Your too wise, but family none the less." I scoffed at her statement and muttered a few words.

The Badboy Prince Just Can't ResistOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora