Chapter 30- And There Was The Slumber Party

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I stumbled out through the window, the Descuvi book in hand and marched up to Snow,"What is this!" I was angry; angry at my past and how I had to be associated with rage, slaughter, and pain.

I've always kept my past concealed. Yet for some odd reason knowing that a unicorn, of all things knew about it, pissed me off.

"Why did you take me here? I didn't want to see any of those things. My past is not who I am today, I'm not defined as a Descuvi. I don't have any rage or hate. So don't associate myself with it." I gritted out. Snow only stared back at me with glowing hazel eyes, easily taking the rude tone I was giving her.

"No answer?" I was even more angry than before,"Let's go back, it is starting to get dark," and I kicked a piece of wood at a tree.

On the ride back, I started to feel more and more guilty about yelling at Snow. As if I was a small child, throwing a tantrum.

Almost like I was what I claimed not to be, a Descuvi. Filled with rage and sadness of bringing up the past.

We reached our destination at the blackberry bush, the sun setting and the snow falling heavier than before.

"I'm sorry, Snow. For yelling at you before, that wasn't fair to you. I know I am a true born Descuvi, but I don't think I'll ever truly accept I am one. I am ashamed of the things my people had done, and though I took no part in it; my country has inflicted so much pain on many. I took my anger out on you, and I apologize. Thank you for trying to help me accept who I am, and find out the truth I needed." I bowed my head at her. She nodded her head with appreciation, then looked deep into my eyes.

There was something more. More she wasn't telling me, something much deeper she knew, so much darker than what I perceived.

"Anything else you want to show me before I leave?" I smiled at her, vying for more information. Yet she just shook her head, bowed it, and disappeared in the trees.

"Annalise Woods, never do that to us again!" Henry exclaimed with a pout, his arms crossed. We were sprawled across my bed. When I got back to waterfall, all the supplies were gone. I decided to head home, and found my friends making themselves at home in my bed.

"I thought something had eaten you! We were so worried." Hazalen scorned me.

"I was more worried about Darius' eyes." Henry wiped his brow.

"I just got a little lost is all! In the end, I got the blackberries, Henry." I opened my large coat pocket with the berries and book, which tumbled out onto the bed. Henry went straight for the berries, but Hazalen took a moment to examine the book.

"The Mystical Tales of Descuvi? Where did you find this, Annalise?" She eyed it with disgust.

Well that's a big blow.

"I found it at the festival and threw it in my pocket. I never got a chance to look at it though." I lied through my smile.

"Of corse Demotis would try to bring stupid, Descuvi merchandise like this book into Deltora during the festival. He really thinks he can bring his poisonous ideals here. Descuvi's hate will never spread in Deltora, we are too unified for such things." Hazalen spoke ignorantly.

"Descuvi was once more united then Deltora, Hazalen. It only takes one small event that could change anything. Darius could have one tiny slip up and everything could tumble down."

Henry stayed quiet, not shoving blackberries in his mouth so he didn't have to talk. I looked between them, noticing Hazalen take a deep sigh as she looked down at the cover of the hook.

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