Chapter 36- And There Was the Targle Tryouts

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"Where are you going dressed like that, Annalise?" Henry asked. The day of try outs for the annual Targle event had arrived. I brought clothes to change into so I wouldn't look suspicious, I couldn't let mother or Damien find out.

1. Damien would tell me it was too unsafe, for we weren't just playing against women, but men too. The teams were for both genders, and Damien wouldn't want anybody like Isabelle hurting me again. He also didn't like other guys around me, a.k.a. other guys flirting with me.

2. My mother wouldn't want me to because I wouldn't look like a perfect daughter to wed. Bachelors and nobles look for a proper lady, one whom would remain docile and take care of the husbands "needs".

I had been playing football ever since I was born, there was no way I was going to miss the chance to compete, on top of that against other kingdoms!

Yet by being in the Annual Targles competition, I would anger two, very important people in my life.

Was I going to do it anyway?


"Henry, if I tell you... you can't tell anybody!" I whispered.

"Your trying out for a Targle team." He rolled his eyes.

"How did you know?" I teased, pulling on my cleats.

"Jack just left wearing the exact same outfit as you. When I asked him why he thought knee high socks were back in, he scoffed and said I had never seen a Targle in my life."

"Wait- this exact outfit?" I ask incredulously.

"The socks and everything! Whatever Targle you're trying out for, he is too!" Henry had a great laugh.

Just amazing.

"Thank you for the information Henry, but I've got to go! I'm going to be late." I threw my hair up in a ponytail and grabbed a hat from his shelf.

"You better not loose that! It was made from Javori Gabachi!"

"No promises!" And I ran out the door.


I bursted through the doors to the field, noticing a large group of people surrounded by an announcer. I slowly walked up, hiding in the crowd and keeping my head down.

If Damien saw me here, I would be dead.

"Everybody is going to find a partner for warm-ups, then we will team up and compete! The teams who win will do one-on-one with eachother. After that, we will evaluate and choose who will be on the Annual Targle team this year!" Cheers sounded from around me as I tried to keep my head down, not wanting to attract attention.

"So find a partner and let's warm up!" He announced. I ducked behind a tall figure, making my way to the balls.

Until he came along.

"Woods!" Jack slapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to his side,"How great to see you here!"

I slowly pulled his arm off my shoulders, keeping my head down,"Jack, for once in your life, please be quiet!"

"I will be anything you want me to be, but only if you team up with me."

"Alright, then I guess we are partners." I sighed out, knowing this was going to be a long day.

"So explain Henry's Gabachi hat you are styling." Jack grabbed a ball. We started to pass back and forth, and I noticed he had great footwork immediately.

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