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Joey sat in his cell, head in his hands. Henry. He felt like the worst brother in the world. Which was saying something. He stared blankly at the ink covered walls. How was he supposed to find Henry, when he couldn't even get out of his cell? He stood, looking around, shaking all the bars, tracing all the walls. Nothing. Nada. He shuddered to think of the torture Henry must be enduring now. That demon had spoken of him so... possessively.

It sent shivers down Joey's spine. He had to get Henry out of here. Joey walked up to the bars, pulling on them. There wasn't even a door, guess the Ink Demon didn't really need one. Joey muttered to himself irritably. He took a step back, then ran at the bars.

Suddenly the world around him seemed to shake, and he stumbled into the bars, passing through them as if they weren't even there. Joey landed on the ground outside the cell, stunned. What the fuck had just happened? He looked up at the cell. It looked normal. He glanced at himself, noticing he now had small ink splatters on his shoulder. Huh. Joey stood up and cautiously made his way down the hallway. I'm coming Henry. Hang on.

Allison was walking beside Tom. Her eyes were wide with worry. "You sure this will work?" She asked him, worried. Tom growled. "I hope." He responded. All they had were rumors to go off of. They had to find the Angels. The real ones. And hope that they could help find Henry. The animator had disappeared again.

Allison kept her hand on her sword as they walked. She was scared for him. If the demon had gotten ahold of him again.... Tom looked back at her. "Allison." His voice was stern but not unsympathetic. "Stop thinking about it." She shook her head. "But.." Tom shook his head at her. "We'll find him." Tom promised. "But we need help." Allison nodded. Then she saw it.

Movement. Ahead of them. Alice drew her sword, Tom his axe. From ahead of them a young man appeared. Allison froze, eyes wide with shock. One glance at Tom showed he recognized the man as well. It was one of Joey's old animators, Jacob. The man looked startled. "Jacob?" Allison called, startled. The man did a double take.

"Allison?" He ran up to them, and for the first time Allison realized he had a small pair of wings on his back. He was an Angel. He looked at her, then Tom, who nodded once. Tom didn't know Jacob very well, Allison knew, but she'd pointed him out to Tom before.

"Jacob!" She greeted him. "Wow." He commented. He smiled slightly. "Allison. You really are an Angel now." Allison smiled slightly. "Yes, it is ironic, isn't it?" She sighed, pushing some of her black hair out of her face. "Jacob, you remember Tom?" She asked, nodding at her husband beside her.
Jacob paused, then nodded. "Yeah, Gent guy." He commented. Tom grunted.

Jacob looked around, frowning slightly. "You haven't seen.. a guy around here, have you?" He asked, frowning slightly. Allison frowned. "A guy?" She echoed. He nodded. "Yeah he.. he has dark hair, eyes that are mostly human but with a slit in his pupils, and a black tail, pointed at the end."

Allison's eyes widened. "Sounds like Henry." Tom muttered. Jacob's eyes widened. "You guys know Henry?!" He asked, excited. He looked behind him, and Allison could see two other people coming for them. One was a young girl with red hair... oh, Dot! The other was a Boris clone.

"Hey Dot, Buddy!" Jacob called out. "I found Tom and Allison. They might have seen Henry!" Dot and Buddy picked up speed, running up to them. "Buddy?" Allison whispered, eyes wide. The Boris looked at her, then Tom. "Hi." He greeted, then immediately launched into: "Have you seen Henry?"

His voice was hopeful. Allison shook her head at them. "No, but.. We're actually looking for him too." Allison admitted. She began to explain how Henry had saved her, and how strange he'd acted. Dots eyes widened. "Sounds like you two were the last to see him." She responded, frowning slightly.

"The Ink Demon is after him, it's why he left our Safeplace. Noble idiot." Allison became even more alarmed at that. "If the Ink Demon really does have him, then we have to get him back!" She gasped. Dot nodded. "Yeah, we-"

"No, you don't understand." Tom's voice was grim. Dot looked offended. Allison places a hand on her husband's arm. "Tom-I Don't think it's a good idea-" Tom shook his head. "Allison, they need to understand the extent of what that thing is doing to Henry. We don't know what shape he'll be in when we find him, if he has been taken by the demon." Allison paused, then nodded. Dot looked confused. Scratch that, all three looked confused. "What do you mean." Buddy asked, looking worried. Tom paused.

"I think... The Ink Demon has done something horrible to him. It's scent is all over him, and, well, I've never seen him so jumpy. So guarded. And I've... I've seen people who've.. who have the same symptoms."

Buddy looked confused. Dot was concerned, and Jacob looked... uneasy.

"I think... I think the Demon has raped him."


Shock radiated from all three of them.


Henry was curled up, asleep, surrounded by black ink. Bendy was in his demon form, watching him sleep. He was so cute asleep, the fear and anxiety seemed to fade from his face. Bendy felt a tinge of guilt, he really was putting his creator through hell wasn't he? He didn't mean to, he just wanted him to be safe. To stay by his side, loved and wanted. Was he asking for too much? Bendy didn't think so. Henry belonged with him. Right?

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