Lost Memories

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Alice wasn't quite sure what was going on. The memories that ran through her head... Did she really do the same thing over and over? "Stupid loop." She muttered. Her companion, Tom, glanced at her worriedly. She smiled at him. "I'm fine." She reassured him. And she was. Confused? Yes. But also fine. In a way, things made sense . Kind of. "We shouldn't have left." She called ahead to Tom. Tom looked back, his ear twitching irritably. "We shouldn't have left." She repeated. "What if Henry comes back?" Tom shook his head. "He won't." Tom's voice was strong and steady. He sounded certain. "No one has ever returned from Bendy's lair alive." He muttered. Tom gave me a look of regret. "I only wish I would have remembered that before." Alice detected guilt in Tom's voice. She put her hand on his shoulder. "None of us knew what was going to happen." She reminded him. "I want to hope he's ok." Tom admitted. "Even though we hardly know the guy." Alice winced. "He seems like a good person." She pointed out. "So did Joey." Tom said with a shrug. Alice decided to ignore that comment. "I wonder what he was planning." She whispered. Tom shrugged. "Who knows?"

Boris paced the safe house. "Buddy." He mumbled. "My name is Buddy." He felt uneasy, why had the loop stopped? Was Henry ok? Henry... Buddy wasn't sure how he felt about the man yet. After all, what were the odds that the "Henry" Joey spoke of and often called Buddy by was actually the same person he met down here? He didn't even know what department Henry worked at when the studio was in operation! No matter, Buddy was still worried about him. His last faded memory of the man was Henry coming at him with a pipe, tears shining in his gold-flecked eyes. Buddy couldn't stop himself from attacking Henry, and he hated himself for it. Damn that two-faced Angel! She promised Henry an escape, but all she did was try to kill him. Buddy remembered the elevator falling, Henry trying to grab onto anything that could help them. Buddy wasn't even sure how Henry could have survived the fall! In fact, thinking of it now, didn't Twisted Alice say he was dead? Yet, somehow, he had ended up inside the Carnival storeroom, searching for Buddy. Buddy couldn't make sense of it, Henry certainly wasn't an ink creature, like every other being inside this studio. He was human. Which was a whole other can of worms that Buddy didn't really wanna get into. Either way, Buddy hoped he was ok. He missed him.

Alice glared at her mirror. Her reflection stared back, seeming to mock her. She ran her hand over her ruined face, anger bubbling up inside her. He'd promised! He said he'd make her an Angel! Instead, she'd become this.... this monstrosity! Her thoughts flew to Henry, her most recent fly. She mentally cursed herself for losing him. He was valuable. Especially now that she had her memory. "Soon Susie." She whispered to the mirror. Henry Stein was an animator. Not only that, he'd created her Angel! He'd become hers, then he would be able to fix her! Alice Angel was his creation after all. He would be hers.

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