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Henry felt cold. He looked down at Bendy, who had curled up in Henry's lap and appeared to be sleeping, tail curled around him. He had to have missed something, right? But he couldn't deny the uneasiness he felt.

The fact was, the only exit to this apartment was the crack in the wall. Which was now gone. And Henry would have seen him if Bendy had entered that way, even if it was still there. It was... troubling, to say the least.

Henry shifted, and Bendy yawned, lifting his head and blinking sleepily. Henry forced a chuckle. "Hey, you know I'm not a bed, right?" He tried to keep his voice level as possible. Bendy blinked at him, then climbed off Henry's lap.

Henry jerked his head towards the bedrooms. "Come on, we can sleep over here." He called. Bendy nodded and followed Henry quietly. Henry hesitated. "Hey, can I ask you something?" He asked nervously. Bendy looked up at Henry, then nodded. Henry swallowed nervously.

"Um.. How did you get in here? There-there's no exit." Henry's voice shook slightly as he finished, and Bendy patted Henry's leg, as if trying to reassure him. His mouth opened, then closed. Then he gestured towards one of the walls. What?

Henry pressed against it, wondering if there was a hidden door or something, but the wall didn't budge. Bendy shook his head at Henry, then reached over and touched the wall. His hand passed right through the wall.

Henry jumped, startled. The wall around Bendy's arm turned black, turning back into ink. Bendy pulled his hand out of the wall, and the wall changed right back to normal. Henry swallowed. "Nice trick."

Bendy shrugged before turning and walking directly through the wall. Henry jumped, only to find Bendy poking his head around the corner. Henry felt both alarmed and relieved. Well, at least this explained how Bendy is able to move around the studio so fast.

Henry paused by the entrance to the room with the hammock and looked down at Bendy. "You want the hammock or the cot?" Henry asked. In response, Bendy ran into the room and climbed up into the hammock. Henry laughed. "Yeah, alright. I'll be in the next room. Night buddy."

Bendy waved at Henry, and Henry closed the door, laughing slightly to himself. Oh, well. Henry crosses the hallway, then entered his room, closing the door behind him. He laid down on the cot, staring up at the ceiling.

Uneasiness was eating away at his mind. What had happened to the crack in the wall? Why had it closed? Henry couldn't shake the feeling that it had trapped him here on purpose. Henry sighed, closing his eyes. Something was going on, and Henry didn't like it much.

Suddenly the  air around Henry changed, and he stiffened. He wasn't alone. This was confirmed a moment later when he felt the ink curling around his legs, reaching up his body. Henry stiffened, fear bolting through his body.

Henry shuddered when he felt claws running through his hair, stroking him. Henry whimpered as the ink settled around him, pinning his arms down and curling around his neck. Henry felt the Demon stroke his cheek lightly with its claw. "Shh, it's alright." The Demon murmured, climbing beside Henry and settling down beside him.

Henry stiffened as he felt the demon wrap its arms around him, holding him close to his chest. Henry trembled as the demon's grip tightened, and he felt the ink pressing into his hair, pushing his head into the Demon's chest. The Ink Demon began to rub Henry's back, whispering to him softly.

Henry kept his eyes squeezed shut, too afraid to look. "Henry." The Ink Demon cooed softy. "You're alright. Everything is fine." Henry cried out softly as the Demon nuzzled his neck, purring. "No, don't cry." The Demon muttered, touching Henry's cheek gently.

"Everything is fine. I'll take good care of you, little one." Henry flinched away, crying silently. The Ink Demon continued to rub Henry's back, trying to comfort him. Exhaustion made Henry's limbs feel heavy. Then he fell asleep.

When Henry woke, he was alone, though ink was draped around him, holding him in a kind of net. Or a thin blanket, maybe. Henry shifted, and the ink moved with him, draping over his shoulders like a cape.

Henry sat up, the ink molding around him, sticky in his hair and gripping his shoulders. Henry glanced at it, and a shiver ran down his spine. The ink was stuck to him. Henry closed his eyes briefly, then opened them again, forcing himself to remain calm. He couldn't panic. Not now.

He stood, and the ink relaxed itself, molding around his back and waist. Henry shivered, then walked out into the hallway. The smell of bacon soup wafted towards him, and, confused, he followed it into the kitchen.

Bendy was there, standing on a box to reach the stove, gripping a spoon in one hand and a bacon soup can in the other. In front of him, a big pot sat simmering. Seeing him, Henry just felt even more confused. Where on earth did Bendy get a pot and spoon? Henry had looked all over, and had found neither of those things.

Bendy turned, and saw Henry standing in the doorway. A grin split his face and he jumped down, running up and hugging Henry's legs. Henry grunted, then chuckled, petting the top of Bendy's head. "Hey little guy." He greeted, smiling slightly. "What are you doing?"

Bendy gestured towards the soup can, then pointed at Henry. Henry blinked. "Is that for me?" He felt surprised. Bendy nodded, then jumped back up to the pot, pouring some soup into a bowl that Henry was sure wasn't there moments ago.

Bendy offered the bowl to Henry, and he took it, sitting down at the small table beside the stove. He didn't eat it yet, however. Bendy blinked at him, looking concerned. Henry stared back at him blankly. Bendy jumped down and ran over to the table, sitting across from Henry. Henry blinked. "Aren't you going to eat?"

Bendy stared blankly at Henry for a moment, then shook his head. "Oh." Henry muttered, swirling his spoon through his soup. He didn't really feel like eating. The memory of last night made him stiffen slightly, and he shivered despite the fact that it was quite warm in here.

The Ink Demon was keeping him, no them, trapped here. Henry looked up at Bendy, who was watching him with a worried expression. Henry put some soup in his mouth, despite not being very hungry. He didn't want Bendy to worry about him.

How much did the little demon understand?

BATIM: The End (Some BendyxHenry)Where stories live. Discover now