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Henry wandered through the hallways. Though the studio was vast, Henry didn't see another soul, not even any Searchers or Butcher Gang members. It made him uneasy. Where was everyone?
Henry made his way back to the small camp that Alice and Tom had imprisoned him in. Henry looked around hopefully , but there was no sign of his friends anywhere. He wandered into his small cell and sat on the small cot. Briefly, he wondered if the hidden messages were still on the wall. He reached for his "seeing tool", only to realize he no longer had it. Frowning, Henry searched his pockets, but to no avail. "Did I drop it?" Henry whispered to himself. Apparently so. Henry let out a sigh and fell backwards onto the cot. A flash of bright yellow in the corner of his eye caught Henry's attention. Henry sat up, searching the walls carefully, but couldn't find anything bright yellow anywhere. Confused, Henry lay back down. Had he imagined it? Maybe. Henry sighed. He felt so tired...

Bendy watched Henry lie back down onto the cot. 'Why did he come back here?' The demon wondered, watching Henry as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. Bendy felt the power of the ink in his talons, but for once he didn't feel the urge to use it to hurt Henry.
Bendy couldn't make sense of why his feelings for the man had shifted so suddenly. When he'd seen Henry, standing by Bendy's reel, he'd felt a shift in the ink around him, as well as a change in Henry himself. And when Henry realized that he, Bendy, was near, the human hadn't grabbed the reel like Bendy had expected. Instead, he had run and curled up in a ball behind Bendy's throne. The fear that had rolled off of Henry in waves, getting stronger as Bendy grew closer, satisfying the ink demon. But along with it was something different. Dread seemed to cling to him, and Bendy was close enough to hear him whisper . "I don't wanna die."
In that moment, Bendy no longer felt the urge to destroy him. In fact, he'd felt something else entirely. A tangled knot of emotions that had kinda always been there, just below the rage. Pity. Guilt. Protectiveness. Bendy had felt the weirdest urge to hug him, but managed to restrain himself. The poor thing was already terrified. Henry didn't need him making it worse. So he'd taken his End and left, heading back into the ink. But Bendy couldn't bring himself to leave.
He stayed, hidden, and watched as Henry made his way back. Though the human couldn't sense him, the other ink creatures could, and stayed far away from him. And by extension, Henry. Bendy was glad for this, as his human appeared to be pretty weak to begin with, and broke way to easily. At one point, when Henry was crossing the lake, Bendy had accidentally brushed his hand across Henry's foot. The human had froze, and Bendy had feared he'd been discovered. Then Henry kept going, and Bendy had felt nothing but relief.
Now Bendy came out of the wall, where he'd been hiding. Henry was curled up on the cot, shaking violently. Bendy turned his head, wondering what was wrong. Then he realized. 'Oh, he's cold!" The demon hesitated, wondering what he could do. Then the demon climbed up onto the cot beside Henry. Hesitantly, the demon pulled Henry into his lap, wrapping his arms around him. Before long, Henry was no longer shivering quite as much. Bendy smiled slightly to himself. 'Well, at least I'm doing something right.'
The demon reached out and called to the power deep within his talons. The ink-formed walls obeyed him, turning back to black ink as the demon fashioned a blanket out of the ink. Once he was finished, the ink took on a yellow and black pattern before turning into the soft, fluffy blanket. Bendy set Henry back into the cot and covered him with the blanket. The demon could feel Henry's heart beating. It fascinated him. Being made of ink, Bendy had no heart. The demon lost track of time as he sat beside the cot, watching over the animator.
'Why am I doing this?'

Henry yawned. Before even opening his eyes, he could tell something had changed. There was something lying down on top of him. Something warm and... fluffy. Confused , Henry opened his eyes. He was covered in a black and yellow blanket, tucked all around him as if he were a child. Startled, Henry struggled for a moment before untangling himself from the blanket. Henry stared at it for a long moment.

BATIM: The End (Some BendyxHenry)Where stories live. Discover now