Trapped in Hell

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Henry woke feeling sore and tired, but at least he was alive. Although, Henry wasn't so sure that was a good thing anymore. He shifted slightly to the left, trying to get feeling back into his legs, as they had fallen asleep. 'How long have I been here?' Henry wondered. He glanced around, but there was no sign of a certain Demon. Henry felt nothing but relief. He wasn't quite sure what to think about the Ink Demon, it had been acting quite strange around him. He didn't understand why he wasn't dead. Or what it had done to him. Henry turned his hands over, studying them. It was still unsettling to look down, and instead of seeing your body, you see... Something else. Henry shivered, wrapping his arms around his waist. Was he even remotely human anymore? The ink softened around him, as if it could sense Henry's distress. Perhaps it was just Henry's imagination. He didn't trust anything anymore. Even his vision had changed. Before, when he'd look at a wall, or a poster, all he would see is that wall or that poster. But now... Henry looks at the wall he's chained to and he can not only see the wall, he could see the ink that makes up the wall, as well as beyond that, where there's nothing but ink for as far as Henry could see. Almost everything he'd seen so far has been like his, except the Ink Demon himself. Looking at him, he was like a black hole, the very ink trembled when he grew angry. That's what seemed to cause the inky "shadows" that would appear around him. At least, Henry thought it was when he was angry. When Henry had first woken up, he hadn't been aware of the Demon's presence because there were no "shadows". And it hadn't seemed angry at the time, but to be honest, how could Henry tell? He was mostly just guessing, as the Demon's face was mostly covered by ink, and that unnerving grin never goes away. Henry shifted again, feeling restless. After so long of moving around the studio, it felt odd not to be moving. For the millionth time, Henry studied the shackles that chained him to the wall. They were silver, and glinted in the limited light. Henry could see the ink it was made of, the ink that Henry had watched the Ink Demon manipulate with its claws until it had taken its final form. The complete show of power that the Demon had so casually showed Henry terrified him. The thing had power over the ink itself! And when you realize that the whole studio seemed to be made of ink, well, that was a lot of power it had. It could order the very ground Henry curled up on to suffocate him! Henry's breath caught in his throat. Sometimes he really wished he wasn't such a thinker. 'Ok, think of something else now.' Henry told himself. Nothing good would come from endless worrying. He turned his attention back to the shackles. If he could break them somehow... Henry looked around, but of course, there was nothing heavy enough or sharp enough to break it. The Bendy cutout grinned at Henry, and he shivered because it's eyes... It's eyes glowed softly in Henry's newfound vision. He wasn't sure why yet, but it scared him. It was a soft glow, not even noticeable unless you looked at it real closely, which Henry did accidentally one day(?) Out of shear frustration, Henry yanked on the shackles. Nothing happened, though Henry hadn't really expected anything too. He rested his head against the wall, feeling beat. How much longer could he stand this? A tear traced its way down his face. He just wanted to go home. He missed Lynda, her optimism brightening his day even on the worst ones, Messing with Jake at his new job (He took a job at a local store for some extra cash), and he even missed Joey, despite what had happened between them. He was so lost in thought he hardly noticed the ink around him grow deeper, and the flow pushed the little Bendy plushy into Henry's lap. Henry blinked down at it, startled. Feeling a small burst of anger, he snatched up the plush and threw it across the room. The ink, covering the whole floor now, pushed the plushie back into Henry's lap, along with another one. Henry stared at them, feeling frustrated. Henry didn't really believe in any God, but if there was one, He was totally laughing right now. Henry tried to throw the two plushies away, but before he could, another plushie bumped into Henry. And then another one. And another. Henry let out a startled yelp, wondering where on Earth they were all coming from. Ink poured onto Henry's head, temporarily blinding him. Startled, Henry leaned back, coughing, as he tried to get the ink out of his eyes. Sadly, he couldn't completely be free of the ink, because his shackles held him tight. The ink stream was still pouring down his chest. While he had been distracted, more plushies had been "washed down", so now Henry was up to his waist in plushies and could hardly move thanks to the ink. (The stuff could be pretty heavy when it wanted to be). At this point, Henry felt kinda panicked. 'This would be a stupid way to die.' Henry thought to himself, trying to muster up the energy to escape. But the shackles dug into his skin, reminding him of how helpless he really was. The ink levels kept rising, and the pile of plushies grew larger around Henry. Before long, his arms were pinned. At this point, Henry had given up. He couldn't get the shackles off, and even if he somehow did, how on Earth would he escape this mess? The ink seemed to welcome him, embracing him as the plushies piled around him. It didn't hurt. Henry began to feel drowsy as the ink began trickling down his four head, covering his mouth, and he began to sink deeper into the inky embrace. Then the ink covered his head.

Bendy felt Henry finally give in and relax into his ink. Finally! Bendy was happy to make Henry more comfortable as he cleared out his storeroom, though he really should have thought better when he'd chained Henry right beside the "drain area". Of course, there was no actual drain, just the place where Bendy would separate the plushies from the other items in the storeroom. It was kinda cute and amusing to see Henry's face when the plushies had started being drawn to that area, but the situation had escalated rather quickly, and Bendy made a mental note to move Henry away from that corner before the next cleaning day. Bendy slipped his way into the storeroom, which was still flooded with ink. Bendy made his way over to where Henry was, being held by the ink around him. His chest rose and fell (being made of ink he didn't actually need air), and he was clutching a plushy of Bendy himself, which Bendy found adorable. He knew Henry was sad, having felt and read Henry's thoughts before the flood began. He wanted to make Henry feel better, but wasn't quite sure how. All he knew was how to torture the souls he takes, he's never actually tried making anyone feel better. He couldn't exactly send Henry back, Henry was his now, and besides, his body would never be accepted in the human world, he'd probably be treated similarly to Bendy. No, Henry belonged here. Bendy was surprised by Henry's thoughts about Joey, especially considering Joey was the reason he was here in the first place. Perhaps Bendy should thank him for bringing his Henry here, though it made no sense for Henry to forgive him, since Henry was the one Joey betrayed! It confused Bendy how Henry could still have feelings for him. Bendy shook his head. Perhaps it was a human thing, though none of the other souls showed Joey the same level of forgiveness. But it didn't matter, because Henry would never see Joey again! Or Jake, or this Lynda Henry seemed captivated with. Maybe he would be happier if Bendy erased all those memories from his head... Then Henry would have to love Bendy just as much as he seemed to love them!

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