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Henry followed the Ink Demon through the portal, and came out in what appeared to be someone's office. Henry glanced around, but didn't really see anything out of the ordinary. Well, except for the fact that everything was black and yellow, but Henry was so used to it he hardly noticed. He turned his attention back to the Ink Demon, who was silently watching him. Looking at his reaction? Henry swallowed. "I.. It's nice." He said awkwardly. The Demon turned and looked at the wall. "Henry, you don't have to lie. I can hear your thoughts."  Henry felt a shiver of fear run down his back. He still wasn't quite used to that yet. It scared him. He took a step back and glanced at the door. The Demon turned to look at him. "Well, go ahead." Henry gaped at him. "W-What?" A chuckle was heard, then, "Go. Go explore, my Henry." Henry's grip tightened on his plush, but he decided not to comment. He wasn't anyone's property. A growl erupted from the Demon, and Henry practically ran out the door. Damn, that thing scared him! Henry found himself in a long corridor. A few feet away was a poster, though Henry was to far away to tell what was on it. Henry turned when he heard the door close. The Demon had followed him into the hallway. "Henry, wait up." Henry was struck with a powerful urge to run, seeing the Demon stalking towards him with a predatory stance. Henry took a deep breath, wondering if he should try. He wasn't chained up anymore. There had to be someplace he could hide, right? The Ink Demon growled, and Henry suddenly remembered that it could read his mind. Run. Henry turned and took off, running as fast as he possibly could. A Miracle Station. There had to be one nearby, right? "Henry!" The Demon bellowed, and fear sent another bolt of adrenaline through him. He ran harder. He spun around the corner, and then-there! A Miracle Station was leaning against the wall. Henry rushed to it and ran inside, carefully closing the door so it doesn't slam and give him away. Shadows raced along the walls. Henry closed his eyes, waiting.  Waiting. Everything was quiet. He couldn't take it. He blinked open his eyes, hoping the Demon wasn't there. Unfortunately, it was, peering through the slit in the door. Henry's eyes widened and he edged away. Adrenaline rushed through his body, but there was no where to run. No way to fight. The Demon growled, trying to open the Miracle Station door. But he didn't appear to be able to. The thing snarled, and Henry could hear its claws tearing into the wood. He whimpered, imagining what those same claws could do to him. If it found a way in, it would almost definitely punish him for running. Trying to escape. The Demon snarled at Henry through the slit. "Henry." He purred, a snarl sounding in his voice. "Open this door now, my little doll." Doll? Henry shuttered at the dark tone, the thinly veiled threat below it's words. "Come on." It purred. "I won't hurt you, much, if you listen." Henry whimpered, edging away from the door. How was he going to get away from this?

Henry's leg was beginning to fall asleep. He'd lost track of how long he'd been curled up at the bottom of the Miracle Station. The Ink Demon was still outside the door, though it was no longer clawing at the Miracle Station. "Henry." The Demon's voice was soft, soothing again. Almost too soothing. "Henry, it's alright." He purred. "Come on out, little one. I'm not mad anymore. I know this seems scary, but I'm not gonna hurt you." Henry closed his eyes and turned his head away. Thank whoever had built these "Miracle Stations", they were the only thing keeping the Demon away from him. Henry didn't believe anything that it had said. It was obvious that it was only trying to get him to open the door so it could grab him. The Demon growled in frustration. "Henry, open the door." The Demon snarled, dropping the facade. "Or I'm gonna slowly drown you in my ink while digging my claws into your legs and sinking my teeth into your flesh. I'm going to make you beg for mercy. I'll kill you, slowly, and then bring you back to experience it all again. I've been dying to taste your soul, my sweet creator." Henry shuttered, edging further away from the door. The threat scared him to death, but he couldn't let it show. Suddenly a scream erupted from somewhere in the hallway. Henry heard the Demon snarl, then disintegrate into the ink. "Missed him." Henry heard a woman's voice mutter. "Damn." "We'll get him next time, miss." Said another voice, this one male. "I hope so, Jacob." The woman muttered. Henry heard Jacob laugh. "It's only a matter of time, my Lady. Wonder why he was hanging around that old Miracle Station." Henry heard their footsteps approaching. Panic erupted in Henry's chest. 'I can't let them see my horns!' He didn't usually wear it, but Henry pulled out his old baseball cap, somewhat surprised he still had it. He jammed it onto his head, though there was nothing he could do about his inky tail. He watched as the door began to open. Two people stood, gaping at him. The man was holding the door open. He had brown hair and blue eyes, with a faded green shirt and overalls with a patch on the knee. He also had a halo and small white wings. Standing beside him was a face Henry knew well, though she seemed... different. Older, more human. But it was definitely her. He'd drawn her often enough. She wore a black strapless dress, though she had a brown jacket over it. Her hair was black, and her eyes... were exactly like he used to draw. Her expression was surprised. "Alice Angel." Henry whispered. She smiled slightly. "Yes. Hello, are you alright? Did it hurt you?" Henry shook his head. "No." She nodded. "Good. I'm, well, I guess you already know my name." She smiled sheepishly. Henry was surprised. He'd kinda assumed after the loop ended, that every employee regained their memories. That was how it had seemed with Allison and Tom. Maybe this particular Alice was different? "This is Jacob." Alice turned and nodded at the man holding the door, who smiled and offered Henry a hand. Henry took it. Jacob pulled Henry to his feet. "Henry." Henry replied, nodding at Jacob. Jacob's eyes widened. Henry realized he was staring at Henry's tail, which was whipping back and forth nervously. "You have a tail." He noted. Henry bristled. "So?" He wasn't about to let them see it bugged him. Alice studied Henry for a moment, then shrugged. "It doesn't matter." She said softly. "Jacob, run back to our headquarters and tell them we'll have a guest tonight. She nodded at Henry. Jacob nodded. "Yes, miss." He smiled at Henry. "Nice to meet you Henry." He then turned and took off. "Walk with me, Henry." Alice invited, holding out her arm to him. Henry took it, and together they made their way down the hallway. "How long have you been stuck here?" She asked. Henry frowned. "To be honest, not 100% sure." He admitted. She nodded, as if she expected his answer. "Well." She said, "Ever since your loop ended, our loops appear to be... connected." Henry frowned. "Loops?" He echoed. "As in plural?" Alice laughed, before she realized he was serious. "You didn't know? Your no longer in your loop Henry. You're in ours." Henry was quiet, thinking. Then, "There's more than one loop." She nodded, looking baffled, as if she didn't understand why Henry didn't know this already. "Yes. The loop that you were in, it's ruled by that-that thing." Henry knew she must be talking of the Ink Demon. "This loop is not. Instead, it's ruled by me." Henry hesitated. "So, your like... him?" Henry worried he may have traded one prison for another. "Oh God, no." Alice protested, shaking her head. "I don't trap souls, myself. They are welcome to stay, of course, but they don't have to. They can move on." She gave Henry a sad look. "I only wish you guys had the same option." She said sadly. Henry shrugged, thinking of the threats that had been leveled at him. He didn't want to think about how he was trapped. Alice was watching him. Then, "You were only recently changed, weren't you? You seem... uncomfortable in your body." Henry glanced at her, surprised. Then, "It's been a few days." Alice nodded. "Well, I may not be able to help you move on, but I can offer you sanctuary." She said finally. Henry stared at her. "I can protect you from him." She said, putting her hand on Henry's arm. "I've been giving the same offer to any souls that I find, covered in ink." She gave him an apologetic look. He shrugged. "Of course," she added, "Your the only spirit that I've seen that's not, well, an inky humanoid being." Henry blinked. "Oh, you mean the Lost Ones?" He asked. "That's what we call them." She blinked, then nodded. "Your the first, well, real cartoon we've seen." Henry was quiet. His face must be different. It made him sad. Was anything about him still.. well, Henry? Alice must have noticed his expression. "Oh, don't worry." She reassured him. "You still look mostly human. You just have some inky characterization on your head and of course, your tail. Didn't you know?" Henry shook his head. "I haven't seen a mirror since the change." He admitted. Alice nudged him. "Well, you still look human." She reassured him. "Very handsome too." Henry felt his face grow hot. "Um.." She laughed. "Aww, and so humble!" She grinned. "Come on, meet the other Angels." She said with a grin. "Stay a night, you can give me your answer tomorrow."

Alice Angel liked Henry. He was quiet, but he had that air of toughness, the "I've seen some crazy shit and survived" kind of air. She could see his spirit, flickering uneasily inside his body of ink. Unlike her Angels, who kept their human bodies so they could pass whenever they choose. No, instead, souls like poor Henry were trapped inside the ink by that creature. The one who calls itself Bendy. She hated it with a passion. She turned her attention back to Henry, who kept patting his hat nervously. His tail flicked nervously. Something about him seemed familiar, though she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was. The ink stains on his fingers gave away he was an artist, probably one of Joey's. She'd never met the infamous Joey Drew, but she's heard plenty. She wondered why Joey's unnatural creation seemed hell-bent on capturing Henry. From the looks of her Miracle Station, it had been clawing at it for hours. What was so important about Henry? She smiled slightly to herself. Besides how cute he was? Alice assumed he only seemed that way because he was the first of the Demon's lot to show, well, with a mostly human face. Henry's soul was completely spotless, he was the most pure soul she'd ever seen. Was that why the Demon seemed to want him so badly?

Who are you, Henry?

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