Sammy's Domain

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Buddy walked beside Dott and Joey. Joey was walking just ahead, and Buddy could tell from the way he was walking that he was determined. "I'm coming Henry." He muttered, making Buddy blink. Why did Joey care so much about Henry? Hell, that was Buddy's thing! Joey was the one who had trapped them here. Dott walked beside Buddy, every once in awhile glancing at him happily. "So what's the plan?" Buddy asked. Dott blinked at him. "Well, we have to figure out where it's lair is. That's where it most likely where it took Henry." Buddy shuddered. "We don't even know where that is." "Not exactly." Dott agreed. "But you said that the ink gets worse the deeper we go. So it's safe to assume that it's lair would be somewhere down there." Joey glanced back, a hard glint in his eyes. "If that thing has hurt so much as a hair on his head..." Dott gazed at him steadily. "Then it would be your fault, Joey." Joey turned back. "I know." He admitted. "I just want to get him back." Buddy nodded. "Me too." Dott smiled at Buddy. "I gotta admit, I never thought any of us would actually meet Henry. What's he like?" Buddy smiled. "He's great. No coward, that's for sure." Joey glanced back again, smiling slightly. "He never was one, in my opinion." Dott smiled. Her eyes held a glimmer of curiosity. "Why do you care so much about Henry?" Joey blinked at her. "What do you mean?" Dott frowned at him. "Well, when Buddy mentioned his name, you practically jumped out of your skin with desperation." Joey was quiet. Then, "Henry didn't want anyone to know, but I guess it couldn't hurt. We were friends before we started this company. He's my brother." Buddy blinked. Dott frowned. "I didn't know you had a brother." Joey nodded. "Yeah, when we started the company I tried to get Henry to change his last name with me. He preferred to keep our parents last name: Stein." Buddy was quiet. He was learning a lot of things about Henry today. "I hope he's ok." Buddy muttered. "I hope he's alive."

Buddy paused. "Guys, we're about to enter Sammy's domain." Joey paused. "The music department?" He asked. Buddy nodded. "I have a Safehouse we could go to, right beyond the music department." Dott came up beside Buddy. "So we have to sneak past Sammy." Buddy nodded. Together, the three entered Sammy's domain. Unfortunately, the crazed musician was waiting for them, axe in hand. Buddy tensed, and he felt the others do the same. "Hello." Sammy said, sounding like he was trying not to grin. "He's hiding something." Dott muttered, and Sammy laughed. "As keen as always, Dott." She glared at him. Sammy turned his gaze on Buddy. "Have you thought of my offer, Boris clone?" He said clone as if it were the worst insult in the book. Dott frowned. "Offer? Buddy, what is he talking about?" Sammy laughed. "Buddy? Is that you? Well, isn't that fitting." He turned his attention to Dott. "Well, as I told Buddy over there, it's time to pick a side! Angels or Demons?" Buddy glared at Sammy. "I'll give you my answer, you bitch-" "Ahh," Sammy interrupted. "Before you answer, you may want to know where Henry currently is?" Buddy felt his body freeze. Henry? Beside him, he heard Dott curse. "What have you done with him?!" Joey demanded, standing in front of Buddy and Dott. "What have you done with my brother ?!" Joey screamed. Sammy laughed. "As for you, Joey, you don't have any choice. Only death." Buddy growled, moving in front of Joey. He may not like Joey Drew, but since he was Henry's brother, he couldn't just let him die. "Where is Henry?!" Buddy demanded. Sammy laughed. "Only enjoying our Lord's company!" He sneered. "I can hear him whimpering throughout the Lord's... treatment."
Joey let out a desperate scream. "You-" Buddy snarled. "Let him go!" Sammy laughed. "The Lord enjoys his new prize, and, in time, Henry himself will come to realize how blessed he is." Joey rushed forward, but Dott grabbed ahold of him. "Joey stop! He's trying to bait you!" Sammy sneered. "So Buddy." He turned and studied Buddy. "What side are you and your girlfriend over there on? The Demon path with your dear friend Henry, or the Angel path with that bitch Susie, who had you experimented on and tried to have you kill Henry?" Buddy was still. He couldn't let Sammy kill Joey, but at the same time... if he went along with this Demon Path, would he be able to see Henry again? At least until he found a way to get them all out. Buddy glanced at Joey. But Henry would never forgive him if he let Joey die, would he? No, Buddy suspected not. Dott let out a snort. "Girlfriend?!" She demanded. "We are not-" "Oh, sorry." Sammy sneered. "You didn't fool anyone then, and your definitely not fooling me now." Buddy felt his face grow hot. "Enough talk." He said firmly. "I'm not gonna let you kill Joey." Dott moved closer and nodded agreement. Sammy seemed genuinely baffled. "Why ever not? He is the reason we're all in this mess." Buddy blinked. Sammy seemed almost sane with that statement. "I have no love for Joey. But I'm not going to let him die. I won't do anything to hurt Henry." Sammy seemed genuinely confused by Buddy's statement. "Hurt Henry? It's Joey who is going to die.." Dott glared at him. "And what do you think Henry would feel when he discovers his brother is dead!" Sammy was quiet. Then,

"This isn't about Henry. He will get over it. One way or another. The Lord wants Joey dead, so dead he shall be."


I saw Bendy take Henry, though I knew there was nothing I could do to help him. Not yet anyway. I had to grow my power first. At least Bendy wouldn't hurt Henry. The way he's been acting since he took Henry confirmed that. I know Henry must be frightened. But at least Susie thinks he is dead. It would be better for Henry if he stayed hidden, at least until I find the exit. And I will find the exit. I promise.

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