The Reel

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Henry hated his life. At least, what his life has become. He stood in the center of Bendy's Throne Room. The Final Chapter. The Last Reel. Henry stared at the reel, sitting beside what Henry could only describe as a throne. He knew what would happen if he took it. The Beast would emerge, and eventually he, Henry, would bring "The End." Then the loop would reset and he would have to do it all again. "There has to be another way." Henry muttered to himself. He had gotten into the habit of talking to himself, and he really didn't see any reason to try and break the habit. Most beings here couldn't talk, so Henry's voice would often be the only one he would hear for a long time. Exactly how long, he wasn't sure. Time was strange here. Henry realized he would have to do something. He couldn't stand here all day. Or night. Or whatever time it was. Henry closed his eyes. "I won't do it." He muttered. "Not anymore." Henry was briefly aware of a shift in the air around him. Startled, Henry opened his eyes. Inky shadows raced along the walls around him. Henry's heart rate sped up as fear crept into his body. Shit. He's here. Henry looked around wildly, but there didn't appear to be any place for him to hide. Terrified, Henry dove behind the throne and held his breath. Why was he here? This has never happened before! Then again, Henry had never hesitated so long to grab the reel. The animator closed his eyes tightly as his creation grew near. "I'm gonna die." He whispered. "Again." Henry didn't want to die. But he knew he stood no chance against Bendy. Henry could hear the demon coming closer. His heart rate sped up some more. His breathing was labored. Bendy paused beside his creator's cowering form. The demon turned his head, considering, before turning and walking away, taking his reel with him. Henry opened his eyes, shocked to find the shadows fading and himself, still alive. "What.." He breathed into the freezing air. There was no reply, except for the Bendy cartoons that played on the walls, grinning at him eerily. Henry shuttered and left the room, trying to stop his legs from shaking.

'I've never reversed this journey before.' Henry thought, making his way through the various hallways. He wondered if Alice and Tom would still be waiting for him, or if anything had changed. He sure felt like something changed, though he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was. The loop had almost definitely been broken.
He made his way out of the large Ink Machine, and gazed out at the lake of ink that separated this part of the world from the rest. "I'll have to swim." Henry muttered. He wondered if he could die now. If the loop had been broken... Henry shook his head. "Think later." He scolded himself. "Cross potentially fatal lake of ink now." He gazed out to the far side, where the exiting corridor was visible. He couldn't see Alice or Tom though. Sighing, Henry waded his way through the ink. "Shit, that's cold!" He muttered. The ink swirled around him. Henry shivered. Suddenly something warm brushed over Henry's foot. Henry froze, but nothing else happened. What the...
Henry shook his head and kept going. "Am I going nuts?" He muttered. Then blinked. "Well, I am talking to myself, and being chased by living versions of cartoons, so... Yeah, probably." The realization didn't comfort him much. Henry shook his head and climbed out of the ink, grateful to be free of it for now. He peered deeper into the familiar hallway, and, for the first time in a long time, felt somewhat lost.

"Now what?"

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