Angels vs Demons

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Alice watched Henry as he walked, just ahead of them. His appearance was... strange. Different. His hair was darker than before, streaked with ink. His clothes were filthy, they seemed to have more ink stains than before. His arms as well. He seemed more cautious as well. Did he know about the loop? He was still human, which relieved her. She remembered her past life, when she was Allison. And how it had hurt when the Ink Demon had dragged her under the ink, drowning her. Then she had woken up as Alice Angel, inside this new body made of ink. She didn't wish for Henry to go through the same thing. She glanced at Tom, who was watching her. He seemed to know exactly what she was thinking. "Don't worry." He muttered. "We'll get him out before.." His voice trailed off, but Allison was grateful for his support. She glanced at Henry, but he didn't seem to hear Tom. For the first time, she wondered if he even could. He never reacts when Tom speaks to him. Tom doesn't think he can, because he's not an Ink Creature. Allison isn't sure. Henry could understand her, so why not Tom?

Allison called ahead to Henry once she saw he was getting close. "Just through that door, Henry." She pointed at the door, only a few feet away. Henry glanced back at her and nodded. He slipped inside, and Allison and Tom followed. "Nice place." Henry commented. It wasn't much, just a few bunks crammed into the small office space. Allison shrugged. "Well, it's only temporary." Henry nodded, as if he'd expected as much. He sat on the edge of one cot, and Allison, following his example, sat on the other. Tom stood by the door, one eye on the door. It comforted Allison to know that Tom was still keeping watch, alert for any threats. "So, what are you guys doing now?" Henry asked softly. Allison turned her attention back to him. "Well, before I answer that, I must ask. What side are you on?" Henry's expression became confused. "Side?" Tom frowned at him. Allison was just as baffled. "You... You do know the two sides the studio has split into after the loop ended." Henry frowned, still looking confused. "Well, no." Tom let out a disbelieving growl. Allison quickly shushed him. "We can't be the first people you've come across. Even if you didn't really interact with them, you still should have noticed the Demon vs Angel mentality." She exclaimed impatiently. Henry shrugged, looking uneasy. "I haven't seen anyone, not even searchers, since I left." He admitted, still frowning. Allison blinked. That... Doesn't make any sense. If anything, the studio had gotten more dangerous since the loop ended. How had Henry somehow slipped by unnoticed? Giving him a closer look, she suddenly realized he didn't even have a weapon. She felt a stab of guilt, thinking of how she'd left him at the Ink Demon's mercy without even a weapon to defend himself. It was shocking he'd survived, weaponless, against it. "Left?" She questioned. "How did you escape? What happened?" Henry fiddled with his hands. "I broke it." He muttered, sounding nervous. Tom frowned. "Broke what?" Henry didn't even glance at him. Quickly, Allison asked, "Broke what?" Henry blinked at her. "The loop. I broke it." Tom gasped. Allison blinked. "How? What happened?" Henry hesitated, then asked. "You guys know what I was looking for in that Vault?"  Allison shook her head. "It was a reel." Henry muttered. "A reel? What's so important about a reel?" Tom shook his head at Allison. "I don't think he's talking about just any reel. I think... I think Henry was searching for the End." "The end?" Allison echoed, confused. Henry nodded. "At that last second, I... I remembered the past loops." He admitted. "I couldn't bring myself to play it again, knowing what would happen." Tom whistled. "What happened to the Reel?" Allison asked. Henry hesitated. "He took it." "What?!" Allison's eyes widened. Henry sighed. "I dropped the Reel. The Ink Demon showed up, took it back." Tom growled angerly. Henry flinched, his eyes fixed on the floor. "Wait." Allison said, "If the Ink Demon was inside the same room as you..." Tom's eyes widened.
"Were you hurt?" Allison asked. Henry shook his head. "When I saw the ink on the walls... I hid behind his throne. I... I don't think he realized I was there."

"What about you guys? What's been going on?" Allison blinked at Henry. "The studio is being split in two." She told him softly. "Some choose to follow the Ink Demon... Others choose to follow Alice." Henry frowned. "Alice? Not... that Alice, right?" Allison shook her head at him. "I'm sorry, but yes. She's leading the Angel charge." Henry shuddered. Allison could understand his feelings. Alice had almost killed him, it was only thanks to her, Allison, that he was still alive. "What.." Henry looked almost afraid to ask the question. "What side are you guys on?"

"We follow the Angels."

Hi guys, sorry, I know this chapter is kinda small, I just wanted to get something out.

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