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Allison was tired of working with Susie. What had started as a fairly good agreement was quickly turning sour, ever since Henry's death. Allison couldn't help but feel there should have been another way, to let Henry see reason , or kept him prisoner, like when they'd first met. Instead, she'd let Susie blind her. The guilt still hadn't gone away, despite the time that had passed. Tom knew how she felt, and agreed with her. She knew he felt just as guilty for Henry's death. She glanced sideways at him. He was quiet, as normal, letting her lead the way through the studio. They were leaving Susie. Allison hoped that if they ever did escape, that Susie would get some help. Allison didn't feel any ill will towards her, she'd always been a bit unstable, and the ink has only made it worse. After a while, Allison began to get that weird feeling, of being watched. She glanced behind her, but saw nothing. Tom gave her a questioning look. She shook her head at him. "Nothing." She muttered softly. They were in what appeared to be a bunch of offices. Allison didn't really recognize the place, but this version of the studio was often changing. She could hear ink dripping from somewhere, and a Bendy cutout peeked at her from inside an open office. Curious, she peeked inside. It was a waiting area, with a couple couches scattered around the small room. A small reception desk sat in the corner, and one of the couches had a blanket on it, as if someone was just sitting or laying down there. The watched feeling came back as she stared at the blanket. There was a Bendy plush lying beside the blanket, smiling up at the ceiling. "Allison?" It was Tom. She jumped, then turned to face him. "I don't know what's wrong with me." She muttered. "I guess I'm pretty jumpy today." He blinked at her, then, "Nothing is wrong with you. I've felt it too. I think we're being watched." Allison shivered. She turned to nod at the blanket, then froze. The plushie was gone.

Where'd it go? Allison glanced around, confused. No one could have gotten past them to take it, they would have seen him. Allison looked under the couch, thinking it had fallen, but no such luck. "Uhh... Allison?" Tom sounded confused. "What are you.." She waved her hand at him. "The plush." "What?" Allison sighed. "There was a plush on the couch a second ago. Now it's gone." He raised an eyebrow. "Out of all the weird things we've seen, that's what your questioning?" Allison shrugged. "I was just looking at it. It can't have just... disappeared." Tom shook his head. But it had. Allison didn't understand. But Tom was right, it was no use questioning things. Strange things were going to happen here. It was just fact. She followed Tom out of the room.

A few days passed, but the watched feeling hasn't gone away. Allison rubbed the back of her neck, wondering what was stalking them and why it hadn't attacked yet. Was it something sent by Susie, to watch their betrayal in action? Or something even worse, like a minion of the Ink Demon? She wanted to ask Tom what he thought, but she was hesitant to speak to him, in case the stalker was trying to gather info on them. They continued to travel, headed roughly towards where Allison had remembered there being stairs. Of course, she could be wrong, as the studio often changes. But it was the only way she could think of, at the moment. Tom froze. "Do you hear that?" Before she could reply, a black, inky blob rose from the floorboards and attacked him. Allison let out a yell, pulling out her swords, but then she felt something grab her from behind. Pain erupted where the Searcher had grabbed her, and she backed away, swinging her swords at the ink creature. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Tom battling his own swarm. The Searchers continued to attack, and Allison could feel herself growing tired. The Searchers never stayed down for long; when she killed one, another quickly took its place. She turned when she heard Tom yell, and distracted, she didn't see the Searcher until it was too late. It lunged, grabbing at her and pulling her into a corridor, where she lost sight of Tom. She gagged, the ink had gotten in her mouth. She tried to fight back, but her vision was becoming blurred thanks to the lucky hit. Then she felt something grab ahold of her, pulling her away from the Searcher. Tom? She couldn't see very well, but the grip was strong on her arm; definitely not a Searcher. It pulled her along until pulling her into an empty room. Her vision was beginning to clear, but she still couldn't see anyone, despite feeling their grip on her arm. Confused, she looked down at it. She couldn't see anything. No hand gripped her arm, no one was there. But she could feel them. This wasn't Tom. She pulled back, yanking her arm out of the invisible grip. Then, suddenly, he appeared in front of her. Tired looking eyes gazed back at her, from a face she never thought she'd see again. Ink trailed down his forehead, and on top his head.... on top his head.... Were horns. Exactly like The Ink Demon's. They stuck out of his hair. An inky tail whipped back and forth behind him. He held a baseball cap in his hand, as if he had just taken it off. Henry? No, it couldn't be. She'd seen him die. It couldn't be him.... He looked so different. More... cartoony. A flash of shock ran through her as she realized. Henry had lost his human body. Pain twisted through her heart as she remembered her own Changing. His eyes narrowed as he gazed at her. He still hadn't said anything, but that wasn't exactly unusual. And if he'd just gone through the Changing, well, it was possible he couldn't talk. She rushed forward and hugged him, relieved that he was all right. His body stiffened, and he jerked back, pushing her away. "Don't touch me!" He snapped, pulling away and glaring at her with narrowed eyes. Allison pulled away quickly. "Sorry!" She said quickly, holding up her hands in a gesture of peace. He must be pretty sensitive about his form. Allison didn't blame him. It could be quite a shock, to wake up in a body made of ink inside of his own. But how had it happened? She thought he'd been dead when the Demon... Her thoughts trailed off as she realized. It had taken his soul. "Oh, Henry." She whispered, pity showing in her eyes. He frowned. He looked defensive. "I don't need your pity." He growled. "Don't you have some other innocent beings to skewer or something?" She flinched, feeling as if she'd just been punched. Hell, a punch would've hurt less than the raw pain in Henry's voice; the accusing stare he gave her. "I'm sorry." She whispered, knowing how feeble it sounded. "Sorry." He echoed, scowling at her. His eyes told her he didn't believe it. She wouldn't have believed herself either. They stared at each other for a moment, and Allison realized that something was different with him. His eyes were shadowed with pain, and his hands shook slightly. Something had happened to him. How had he escaped from the Ink Demon?

And, more importantly, what had it done to him?

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