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Henry wasn't sure what to think anymore. To think that the whole studio was splitting in half, some following a Demon, others following an "Angel." It hurt his head. And now Alice and Tom were both gazing at him expectantly, as if they expected him to say "I follow the Angel, of course!" But things weren't that black and white. For one, the last time he'd seen the other Alice, she'd turned his friend into a monster, forced Henry to fight him, and tried to kill him herself when Boris had failed to do it for her. If she was leading the Angels, well, Henry was positive he would never be able to trust her. Hell, he'd probably end up attacking her after all the things she'd put him through. No, he couldn't join the Angels. But the Demon path is essentially a death sentence, considering how many times he'd almost died at the hands of the Ink Demon. And well, Henry didn't trust the inky creature either. It was soulless- literally. Henry had found an audio log complaining about it. Strange, sure, but Henry had heard weirder. And seen weirder.
He met Alices gaze squarely. For once, it was surprisingly stern. "Henry." She said, her eyes full of warning. Henry shook his head. "Sorry." He muttered. "I don't have a side. I don't know enough, for one, and what makes you think I'd be so eager to align myself with her?" Alice flinched. "Henry-" "No." Henry's voice was firm. "I'm not on the Demon path, but I'm not going to join the Angels either. This conflict has nothing to do with me." Tom's expression was dark. Alice blinked and shook her head. "Henry, if your not with us, then your against us. If you don't join...." Henry frowned at her, then Tom. "What are you gonna do?" He asked sarcastically, "Put me in a cell again, then leave me alone to die?" Alice flinched at the barb, Tom put his arm around her and growled at Henry. It reminded him that their souls, Allison Pendle and Thomas Connor, were married. The thought made him sad, but he had no interest in being held against his will. He stood to leave. Tom immediately stood, blocking the door. Henry stopped in front of him. Henry noticed Tom's hand reaching for his axe. "Henry, please?!" Alice pleaded. Her voice sounded close to panic. "We have our orders. If you don't join... we'll have to kill you."
Henry was quiet. They wanted to kill him? Well, maybe wanted was the wrong word, but they were definitely willing if he didn't join. The thought shocked him. He wasn't even armed. "I thought we were friends." He whispered, looking directly into Alices wide eyes. She looked close to tears, but held her sword steady. "We were." She whispered back. "But we can't be if your siding with the Demon." Henry blinked. "I told you. I have no side. This has nothing to do with me." Tom growled, pushing his axe into Henry's throat. Henry backed away, but there was no where he could go. Alices eyes had gone hard, and she brandished her other sword. Then they both charged Henry at once. Henry tried to dodge, but there was no where to go. Alice's sword dug into Henry's neck. Tom's axe imbedded itself inside Henry's leg. He felt his knees buckle. He met Alices eyes, determined that if he was going to die today, he would go down fighting. "I'm sorry Henry." She whispered, reminding him of how she'd stranded him in that cell. "But at least the Demon can't use you now. Goodnight, My Friend." Henry struggled, but he was loosing blood fast and was barely conscious at this point. Then the ink came. Henry briefly wondered if he was hallucinating, there was no way the ink really had crawled up Alice's arms and pulled her away from him, no way Tom's arm was trapped inside a living black ink, that was crawling its way up his body. Henry was on the ground now, but wasn't sure how he'd gotten there. Then The Ink Demon came. It ran at Alice and Tom, and Tom, wrenching himself free, grabbed into Alice and they both fled down the hall. The Demon didn't give chase, just stood by the doorway and watched them flee. Then it turned towards Henry. The conscious part of Henry's brain was telling him to run, but he was too dreary, and as the Demon approached, his last thought before blacking out was,

"I hope he makes it quick."

BATIM: The End (Some BendyxHenry)Where stories live. Discover now