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Henry woke with a pain in his head. Henry blinked back spots and groaned. Ugh. What happened? The ink wrapping around him came back and he sat up sharply, causing pain to erupt in his head. Ow. Henry rubbed his head irritably and looked around. He immediately recognized the room he was in. The weight on his ankle felt familiar as well. Henry looked down. He was chained in that Storeroom. Again. Henry felt panic rise in his chest, but he pushed it down. One thing he noticed was that he was no longer in the same corner. He'd been placed across the room instead. The ink also seemed.. thicker. Deeper. It was dark; Henry could barely see. The ink pressed against Henry's legs. It's appearance was normal, unthreatening. Henry wasn't fooled for a second. He knew it could change to deadly in a heartbeat. Henry also noticed the Bendy plush, sitting beside him, half submerged in the ink. Henry glared at it. Why did the Demon keep giving that to him? It was odd. Suspicious. But the plush was weirdly comforting as well. Henry picked it up and held it to his chest. Rested his head against the wall. A tingling feeling began, and Henry sat up. He was being watched. He could feel it. Henry swallowed nervously. The memory surfaced, unbidden, from Henry's mind. The Demon holding him down. Fear jolted down Henry's back. He clutched the plush tighter. Then, from further down the room, movement. Henry squinted. It was hard to see, but the figure was too small to be the Demon. The figure disappeared again, back into the shadows. But it wasn't gone, Henry could still feel it's gaze. Henry turned his head away, not wanting to be caught off guard if the Demon were to suddenly appear. Henry didn't see anything, so he turned back, then let out a startled yelp. The figure was not five feet away, peeking out shyly from behind a shelf. The thing was, Henry could see him quite clearly now. Big, pie cut eyes gazed at Henry, mouth slightly open, as if in shock or surprise. Maybe nervousness? He met Henry's eyes shyly, before his glossy black eyes grew wide and he ducked back behind the shelf. Henry was shocked. There was no way. Henry scooted closer, the clamp on his leg a heavy reminder. "Bendy?" He breathed, both hesitant and awestruck. Henry's little black demon poked his head back out, eyes wide. "It's okay ." Henry promised. "I won't hurt you." Henry held his hand out, slowly, so to not startle him. Bendy moved closer to Henry, gazing at him with hungry eyes, as if he couldn't stop looking, drinking in Henry's image. Henry felt a tinge of unease. Where had Bendy come from? The little demon didn't seem to be hurt in any way, and there were no chains on him. Bendy hesitated, before taking Henry's hand in his gloved one. The little demon was warm, almost a little too warm, but Henry didn't mind. "Where in the world did you come from?" Henry asked softly. Bendy blinked at him, and Henry wondered if he could understand English. Bendy gestured with his free hand back towards the area of the room he'd just come from. Henry blinked. Oh. Could he not speak? Henry gazed at Bendy questioningly. Bendy gestured towards his throat and shrugged helplessly. "You can't speak." Henry realized. Bendy shook his head, then crawled up beside Henry. Henry was surprised, and stiffened slightly before relaxing again. Bendy rested his head against Henry's shoulder. Henry patted his head. "How long have you been here?" Henry asked. Bendy blinked at him and shrugged. "Have you been stuck in here the whole time?" Henry questioned. Bendy nodded. "That must be terrible." Henry murmured. Bendy sat up and shrugged. Henry began pulling on his chain. "Don't suppose you know a way to get this off?" Henry muttered, not really expecting an answer. Bendy shook his head. Henry sighed. "Well, it was worth a shot." He muttered. Bendy blinked at Henry again. The two sat together in comfortable silence for quite awhile. Then Henry yawned, then rested his head against the wall. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to get some sleep... Henry fell asleep with Bendy curled up in his lap, a rather... odd, chillingly familiar purring noise coming from the little demon.

(Some BendyxHenry ahead)

Henry wasn't quite sure when he had woken up, but at some point he became aware that something... large was stroking him. Claws caressed Henry, and strong arms had him in a death grip. Immediately fear froze Henry in place. It was the Ink Demon. That strange purr thing it does was loud in Henry's ear. A whimper escaped Henry. No... Henry felt it push its face close to Henry's. No. This can't be happening. Not again. The Ink Demon pressed its lips against Henry's, and Henry knew better than to try and fight again. So when he felt the Demon bite his lip teasingly, "requesting" entry, Henry opened his mouth and let it in. The Demon responded excitedly, pressing harder against Henry, who didn't fight. He didn't move at all. Henry felt shivers run through him, and then he felt the Demon begin to mess with his shirt. Henry hoped Bendy had found a place to hide, somewhere where he couldn't watch this. The Demon gripped Henry tighter and Henry groaned. He was vaguely aware of a ripping noise, and then the Demon was tearing off Henry's shirt. The Demon broke the kisses, nibbling on Henry's nose before messing with his pants. Henry whimpered. The Demon pulled off the last of Henry's clothes, leaving him exposed below the Demon. Henry felt cool air rush across his chest, before the Demon was pressing itself against Henry. Henry screamed. It was too hot, too hot, too hot! The Demon was breathing hard in Henry's ear. It was inside him. Henry groaned. Why? Why.. the Demon didn't stop. If anything, it seemed to grow more excited at Henry's pain. It gripped Henry tightly, causing him to cry out. The pain, it was too much! The world around them was collapsing, ink pooling around Henry, getting into his mouth and lungs. Sinking into every pour. But the Demon didn't stop. Then the world collapsed onto his head; ink surrounding him, drowning him. He was drowning. Then the darkness came, and Henry felt no more.

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