Bendy's Reel

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Bendy sat quietly on his throne, his gaze on his cartoons. To anything that was unwise enough to peek in, it would look like Bendy was just sitting, watching his cartoons play like always. Then they would die. But Bendy's thoughts weren't on the reels that shine brightly around him, oh no. He was thinking about his Henry. "I should have been quicker." Bendy muttered, his eyes still on the screens. The fact was, he felt incredibly guilty. He'd left Henry for two minutes! Bendy thought Henry would be safe enough with those two he'd befriended in the Loop, but they'd tried to kill him! Bendy felt a cold anger burn inside him. Up until this point, Bendy had mostly ignored the Angel interference. But now they had almost taken his most prized possession. They had to be destroyed. "Sammy!" Bendy barked. The self-proclaimed Prophet came running in, falling to his knees and groveling to Bendy. "My Lord!" Bendy innerly rolled his eyes. Pathetic. But useful. "It's time we destroyed those Angels." He informed Sammy coldly. "Gather my followers, and take them to all floors of the studio. We'll wipe out this infestation." Sammy bowed even deeper. "Yes, my Lord." Bendy waved his hand to dismiss him, and Sammy backed away, ready to do his Lords bidding. Bendy then decided to check on his Henry. He stood, gazing around his throne room, before turning and walking into the wall.
Bendy stepped out into one of his storerooms, gazing around the inky maze of cutouts, plushies, and posters. Turning, he made his way to the back of the room, where his creator was curled up. The Demon slowed as he came closer, not wanting to scare Henry if he'd woken up. But small snores still sounded from his small, inky figure, and his chest rose and fell with each breath. Bendy felt a surge of guilt, but he pushed it down. He hadn't had a choice! Henry was dying when Bendy had taken him. He didn't have any choice but to take his creator's soul! Bendy remembered how terrified his Henry had seemed, as Bendy's ink wrapped around his body. Bendy had tried to comfort him throughout the process, but it hadn't seemed to help. Now Henry was curled up, his spirit glowing inside his new body of ink. It looked a lot like his old one, he almost seemed like some kind of hybrid. His face was mostly human, though his face was surrounded by a black crown, like Bendy's face was supposed to have. Henry also had tall black horns, like his, which Bendy adored. Though they were set further back on his head than Bendy's. They stuck out of his hair, which had turned jet black. Henry's arms were black, with a dark gray T-shirt and grey pants. He also had black combat boots, which Bendy found as an odd choice. A yellow bow tie shone by his neck. And, what Bendy found oddest of all, Henry had a jet-black tail, slightly pointed at the end. It was curled around his body, so Bendy didn't see it at first. In fact, he'd nearly tripped over it. 'I don't have a tail.' Bendy thought now, feeling kinda jealous. He wasn't even sure why Henry had a tail. Was it to signify his connection to Boris? Bendy growled. Henry was his creator and his creator alone! Bendy had half a mind to slice the tail right off, but he didn't want to hurt Henry any more than he already had. At least he didn't seem to have any  references to a certain Angel, Bendy wouldn't have been able to stand it! Henry groaned, pulling Bendy out of his thoughts. He's waking up. The demon watched quietly as Henry blinked open his eyes, confusion clouding in them. They were dark brown, with gold specks, like before. The only difference were his pupils. They had a cut in them, like a slice of pie. Or Bendy's eyes. What..?
Bendy jerked his head back, surprised and pleased. Usually he could only read thoughts when he concentrated, which he would sometimes do to listen to the tortured souls of Joey's workers. The ones who never did anything to help, only scoffed or shrank back. They'd locked him away! Bendy turned his head and continued to gaze at Henry. His thoughts were sluggish, which was normal for a soul that had just turned. What happened? Where am I? Bendy had to restrain himself from answering the unspoken questions, as Henry already had too much to worry about. Bendy could feel it, the sense Henry had that something was wrong, even if he hadn't put it to thought yet. Henry sat up, blinking like a newborn. Everything looks so... different. The thought peeked Bendy's interest, as the vision of most ink creatures was the same as when they were human. Was Henry's vision different because of the gift Bendy had given him? Henry was still looking around with wide eyes, but then they met Bendy's. His eyes visually widened and he backed up, shock and fear jolting through his body. The Ink Demon. Bendy felt a tinge of annoyance at the title, he really perfered "Bendy", and the only ones who called him that were the Angels. Then again, the only title he'd ever heard was "Ink Demon", so it did make sense for Henry to think of Bendy as that. The hell? Bendy glanced up again, alerted by the sudden shift in Henry's emotions. He was looking down, at himself. He studied his arms with shocked eyes and glanced behind him, where his tail lashed back and forth irritability. Panic was taking over his mind, and Henry stumbled and fell back into the ink. What did it do to me?! Panic laced Henry's thought. It? Bendy was confused for a moment, before realizing Henry must be thinking of Bendy. How rude. Bendy growled, showing his sharp teeth. Henry flinched, terror flashing in his eyes. Bendy moved closer, until he could see Henry's trembling quite clearly. It was clear to Bendy that, now that Henry could walk again, he couldn't just leave him here. Bendy had seen inside Henry's head, and knew that as soon as Bendy left, Henry would try to escape. Bendy couldn't allow this. Henry was his. Bendy reached down and called to the ink. It obeyed him, growing out of the wall like an inky vine, then turning cold and hard inside Bendy's claws. A silver shackle glowed, lighting up Henry's horrified face. No.. He tried to run, but Bendy slammed his hand into Henry's stomach, holding him against the wall. Henry struggled, but he was still weak from changing. Bendy shackled Henry to the wall, making sure to get his other leg as well. Bendy felt Henry's fear and despair as the shackles went on, but Bendy pushed the feeling back. There's gotta be some way out of this. Theirs always a way. Bendy was surprised at Henry's optimism, even though despair still clung to every thought. Bendy slowly let go of Henry, and his creator fell to the floor. Henry was in shock. Bendy gently crawled next to him and sat beside him, playing with Henry's hair. Henry didn't really react, he was still in shock. Bendy studied his claws before pushing Henry's hair behind his ear. Bendy began to trace Henry's skin, on his neck, below his ear. Then Bendy's claws pierced Henry's skin. Henry shrieked in pain, tried to pull away, but Bendy held him still. Henry grew limp about halfway through, but at last, it was done. Henry belonged to Bendy. He always would. After a few minutes the Demon left, leaving his creator chained to the wall, unconscious.

Carved on Henry's neck was a bloody, black pentagram, which glowed with a blood red light.

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