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Henry was beginning to suspect something was off. New graffiti was becoming evident, saying things such as "Only Angels", "Where is home?", and "Demons don't run." Yet, Henry still hasn't seen a single soul. It was really beginning to bug him, especially since the new graffiti proved that there were still beings here. Henry rubbed the back of his neck. And on top of that, the feeling of being watched hasn't gone away. Oh well, the feeling wasn't exactly new. Henry made his way through the accounting offices, where he had once hidden from the Butcher Gang. The hallways were empty. Henry paused in front of Joey's office. Even now, he had no clue what Joey had been thinking. 'And to think I thought I knew the guy'. Henry thought wryly. What does Joey know about the loop? "Well," Henry muttered, "When I get out of here, we will have words, Joey."

Henry sat inside the receptionist desk, resting. He was beginning to get hungry, but he was hesitant to grab a bacon soup can. After all, he didn't really know what was in it. Then again, he's already eaten so much of the stuff, surly he would know by now if it was toxic. Still, for all he knew, it was part of what had kept him in the loop. Curious, Henry pried the top of a can off and peered inside. The soup was pitch black, and looked more like ink than soup. A bad feeling began in the pit of his stomach. Henry dumped the contents of the can onto the desk. The thick, black liquid quivered on the desk. "It wasn't soup at all." Henry whispered, stunned. "It's ink. This whole time...  I was eating ink." Henry turned his head away, horrified. The ink was inside him. Henry grabbed at his arm, feeling sick. 'Oh God..'

After a few minutes, Henry began to wonder if the ink has effected him in any way. For the first time , Henry began to study himself. His clothes were filthy, ink stained and torn. His arms were covered in ink stains. Henry studied his hands. Was it just his imagination, or did they seem paler than usual? On the back of his hands, there were two darker spots that Henry really hoped weren't what he thought they were. Henry lifted his pant leg and yelped. His leg... What had happened to his leg?! It was pitch black, the ink had almost completely covered it. No, it wasn't covering his leg.. The ink was his leg. It had merged with his skin. Henry quickly checked his other leg. The same thing was true there as well. Henry eyed his arms nervously. Under those ink stains, was there more ink instead of skin? Henry felt faint. Even if he did manage to climb to the exit, what kinda life awaited him? He knew he'd half to hide these inky spots, or he could end up on a table. Henry had no intention on becoming some specimen for scientists to study. Henry flinched at the thought. 'If my skin is ink... What about the rest of me?' Henry shivered, wondering how deep the ink went inside him. And he's been eating the stuff, well, Henry didn't like the implications. Henry closed his eyes. "Focus on escaping." He whispered to himself. Otherwise, he would drive himself mad.

Henry wasn't sure when, but eventually, the feeling of being watched faded. Henry kept going, forcing himself to remain positive. He followed his past, and ended up back inside the haunted house ride, were he'd faced Boris. Henry paused, standing in the middle of the circular room. "I'm sorry Buddy." He whispered into the empty room. He closed his eyes, remembering his friend. He'd hardly noticed that the sandbags and construction equipment were now back, despite Boris destroying them previously. "Henry?" A familiar voice gasped from behind him. Henry turned to see Alice and Tom, standing in the entrance. They looked shocked. Henry broke into a smile. "Alice! Tom!" He made his way over, grinning like an idiot. At least they were ok. Alice looked excited, her eyes glowed as she grinned at him. Tom was silent, but that wasn't really that odd. Henry got the feeling Tom, though a bit wearier than Alice, was still happy to see him. "What happened?" Alice demanded, rushing up and hugging Henry. The gesture startled him, but he was touched none the less. "Long story." Henry admitted, flinching away from the memories. Alice glanced at Tom, then nodded. "Ok, come with us to our camp." She said. "We can talk there."

BATIM: The End (Some BendyxHenry)Where stories live. Discover now